Octoberfest Duals

Monroe Woodbury assistant coach John Gartiser put together a squad of wrestlers to compete at this weekend’s Octoberfest Duals held at Delaware Valley HS.  Although they had no entries in a few weight classes, the Crusader Training Center finished 5-1 and took home third place honors!  Some standout individual performances were given by:
          S9sitelogo          90: Marco Vespa 5-1
                    110: Vincent Vespa 6-0
                    118: Evan Barczak 6-0
                    126: PJ Smoot 5-1
                    134: Jamie Panuto 5-1
                    184: Joe Russo 6-0
                    195: Nick McShea 6-0
                   HWT: Shawn Ferguson 5-1

            Crusader Training Center (CTC) Results 5-1:
CTC 49  Kenard Dale PA 12                         CTC 33  Orchard Park Wrestling Club 14
Easton 37  CTC 32                                         CTC 36  Drill Masters Wrestling Club 17
CTC 28  Iowa Style Wrestling Club 16      CTC 35  DV Tournament Team 18

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