It was a very solid showing for Section 9 at the 2016 Journeymen Classic as Monroe Woodbury senior Evan Barczak and Goshen senior Ryan Ellefsen were crowned champions at 152 and 225 respectively! Barczak went 4-0 on the day notching wins over Conor Melbourne, Nick Santos, Ron Miller and New England placer Michael Ross in the finals! Ellefsen went 3-1 however he won the title on criteria via his bonus point victory over FloNationals All-American Eric Keosseian. MW senior Kendall Elfstrun also wrestled in the A pool at 182 and finished in 4th place in an absolutely loaded bracket!

Eldred senior Noah Curreri took 2nd in the 170B pool going 2-1 on the day. MW sophomore Marco Vespa wrestled in the 113B pool and went 2-2 finishing in 7th place. Minisink Valley junior Connor Greiner went 0-4 for the day wrestling in the 126B pool.
Congratulations to all who competed!