Parent of Section 9 Wrestlers:
As we get ready to embark on running NY States Premier Tournament: The Eastern States Classic, it will not be business as usual this year.
157 teams, 600 wrestlers, 9 mats and 20 officials will be there,
Your team and your table workers will be there, but some key personnel will not be there. Some key members of our staff have retired (as their kids have graduated) or due to jobs and physical conditions, they cannot put in the same amount of time that they have in the past. We have hired full time trainers but there are still areas we need help with.
The help needs to come from Section 9 Parents (or even from Coaches whose team is not competing): We are doing a planning meeting on Sunday January 8th at SCCC at 2:00 pm and then continuing it at the Pizza Hut in Liberty at 2:45-3:00 pm. .
A job summary is as follows:
Thursday 1/12: 4:00-10:00 pm
Friday 1/13- 6 am to 10 pm
Saturday 1/14- 6 am to 7pm
Needed for Friday/Saturday-Jan 13-14th:
3 or 4 full time servers at the Hospitality room
(setting up food, cleaning up, constantly stocking drinks and coolers,)
Hospitality room door guard-to allow people with bracelets in and the others out
(all day Friday and up till 2pm Saturday)
2 people at the ticket booth
2 people for weigh-in’s Friday and Saturday morning (to enter wrestlers weights as they weigh in)
2 people to run the copy machine to print, collate, and distribute bracket sheets
(Friday morning, Friday night, and Saturday afternoon)
1 or 2 people to help supervise Minisink Mat maids in printing and updating the wall charts.
2 to 5 people for mat and clock set up on Thursday night (1/08) from 4 to 10 pm –approximate
1 or 2 general administrative “floaters” to be near the head table to assist with whatever various jobs need to be done.
Or just let us know days and times you are available and we can find a way for you to help.
Please reply back to: if you would like to help out.