Buffalo’s Stutzman Tapping Into Section 9 Talent Pool

Onteora’s Weigel Gives Verbal Commitment to Buffalo

WeigelSuper32Onteora senior Austin Weigel became the second Section 9 wrestler in a week to decide to take his talents to western NY and wrestle for new head coach John Stutzman at the University of Buffalo.  Monroe Woodbury’s AJ Voelker gave his verbal last week.  Weigel is a 2X Section 9 champion and also placed at this past year’s Eastern States Wrestling Classic.

Congratulations Austin and best of luck in college! 

One thought on “Buffalo’s Stutzman Tapping Into Section 9 Talent Pool”

  1. will you be making a list of all the section 9 senior of where they will be wrestling next year again?

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