Congratulations to SUNY Sullivan sophomore Jhavon Innocent for becoming the General’s first All-American in the history of the program. Innocent, a graduate of East Ramapo High School in Section 1, dropped his first match at the NJCAA Wrestling Championships and then proceeded to reel of four straight wins to guarantee his spot on the podium! Congratulations to Jhavon, Coach Ng, Coach Dennison, and the entire SUNY Sullivan program! This will be the first of many!!!
174 – Jhavon Innocent (SUNY Sullivan)
Rd 32: Winkler (N-East Oklahoma) wbf 5:42 Innocent
Consi Rd 16 #1: Innocent dec Dyson (Garrett)
Consi Rd 16 #2: Innocent dec 6-4 Quiroz (Harper)
Consi Rd 8 #1: Innocent dec 12-7 Hornbrook (S-West Oregon)
Consi Rd 8 #2: Innocent dec 7-6 Thomas (Northeastern)
125 – Gavin Pasqualini (SUNY Ulster)
Rd 32: Balderrama (Pratt) dec 7-0 Pasqualini
Consi Rd 16 #1: bye
Consi Rd 16 #2: Ponce (Labette) wbf 5:51 Pasqualini
141 – Robert Satriano (SUNY Sullivan)
Rd 32: Franich (Highline) wbf 2:08 Satriano
Consi Rd 16 #1: bye
Consi Rd 16 #2: Fisher (Iowa Lakes) wbf :53 Satriano
149 – Dan Mandic (SUNY Sullivan)
Rd 32: Bechtel (Moskegan) dec 3-0 Mandic
Consi Rd 16 #1: Mandic win by DQ Biddle (Cowley)
Consi Rd 16 #2: Pincus (Nassau CC) wbf 5:59 Mandic
165 – Matt Shields (SUNY Ulster)
Rd 32: Howse (Ellsworth) dec 8-7 Shields
Consi Rd 16 #1: Shields wbf 2:23 White (Triton)
Consi Rd 16 #2: Shields maj 10-1 Mundey (Garrett)
Consi Rd 8 #1: Aziere (Cloud County) wbf 4:41 Shields
174 – Adonis Morano (SUNY Ulster)
Rd 32: McBride (Barton) wbf 3:45 Morano
Consi Rd 16 #1: Carpenter (N. Iowa Area CC) dec 14-7 Morano
Jhavon’s name doesn’t have an apostrophe in it. Also, you congratulated his brother Jhordyn and not Jhavon.
Thanks…I made the changes…Nice catch on the Jhordan mistake…I have seen Jhavon’s name spelled with and without the apostrophe…I figured since his 2019 NJCAA trackwrestling info and his NJCAA participant badge had the apostrophe, that “J’havon” was the correct spelling…thanks again for the corrections…MC