Octoberfest Duals

Monroe Woodbury assistant coach John Gartiser put together a squad of wrestlers to compete at this weekend’s Octoberfest Duals held at Delaware Valley HS.  Although they had no entries in a few weight classes, the Crusader Training Center finished 5-1 and took home third place honors!  Some standout individual performances were given by:
          S9sitelogo          90: Marco Vespa 5-1
                    110: Vincent Vespa 6-0
                    118: Evan Barczak 6-0
                    126: PJ Smoot 5-1
                    134: Jamie Panuto 5-1
                    184: Joe Russo 6-0
                    195: Nick McShea 6-0
                   HWT: Shawn Ferguson 5-1

            Crusader Training Center (CTC) Results 5-1:
CTC 49  Kenard Dale PA 12                         CTC 33  Orchard Park Wrestling Club 14
Easton 37  CTC 32                                         CTC 36  Drill Masters Wrestling Club 17
CTC 28  Iowa Style Wrestling Club 16      CTC 35  DV Tournament Team 18

Section 9 Crowns 5 Champs at Hudson Valley Challenge Plus Iron Horse Invitational Results

Daly, Raccioppi, Blasko, Cuomo and Weigner Grab Titles

Section 9 Champions:
Gerard Daly (Minisink Valley, 120) – beat Lamont Wallace (S1) 4-2 in the finals
Mike Raccioppi (Minisink Valley, 138) – beat Sean O’Hagan (S11) 3-1 in the finals
Tyler Blasko (Wallkill, 182) – fft over Sean Roesing (NJ) in the finals
Robert Cuomo (Saugerties, 195) – beat Justin Baker (NJ) 6-0 in the finals
Sam Weigner (Washingtonville, 285) – beat Brandon Mascaro (Wallkill) 1-0 in finals

** Frankie Carrozza (DV, PA) won 152….he’s almost a S9 wrestler**

Complete Brackets

Iron Horse Invitational
Congratulations to the following New York State wrestlers for winning their pools at this year’s Iron Horse Invitational.  Let’s see if we can get a S9 wrestler on this list next year!!!
Nick Piccininni – Ward Melville, Section 11
Jimmy Leach – Eastport South Manor, Section 11
Tommy Dutton – Rocky Point, Section 11
Anthony Deprez – Hilton, Section 5
Steven Schneider – MacArthur, Section 8
Brett Perry – John Jay East Fishkill, Section 1
Christian Dietrich – Greene, Section 4
Levi Ashley – Shenendehowa, Section 2
Vito Arujau – Syosset, Section 8

www.sectionixwrestling.com would also like to congratulate Jason Gaccione from High Point Regional HS for winning his extremely tough bracket at the Iron Horse!

Iron Horse Invitational Results

2 Big Preseason Tournaments Today – Results To Follow

FriendS9 LogoWrestling season is just around the corner!!! Today we kick off the local pre-season with the Hudson Valley Challenge at Port Jervis HS.  The event is expected to be bigger than ever with wrestlers from NY, NJ, PA and parts of New England expected to compete. 

The Iron Horse Invitational is also taking place.  This invitation-only event, now in its 9th year, takes place  at Hanover HS in East Hanover, NJ.  The “Horse” will showcase some of the best talent from the northeast.

Results from both events will be posted as soon as they become available.  Here we go!!!!!

Hudson Valley Challenge Satellite Weigh-in Locations

Hudson Valley Challenge
Satellite Weigh-ins
Saturday, October 12, 2013 (times below)
At the following Locations

Albany Area
Albany Academy
Hackett Blvd Entrance
In the Wrestling Room
5:00 – 6:00 PM

New Jersey Central/North
Olympic Wrestling Club
500 W Main St.
Wyckoff, NJ
Contact Mike Skokos
5:00 – 7:00 PM

New Jersey Central/South
Apex Wrestling
400 Swenson Dr.
Kenilworth, NJ 07033
(908) 241-1719
5:00 – 7:00 PM


Long Island
Wantagh Middle School
3297 Beltagh Ave.
Watagh, NY 11793
1:00 – 3:00 PM
Contact Irwin Loew

Web Star Recruits – Hudson Valley Challenge

Web Star Recruits will provide Online Recruiting Profile Books for college coaches to access at the 12th Annual Hudson Valley Challenge!

The tournament will take place at Port Jervis High School, Port Jervis, NY.

Click the link below to build your FREE Online Recruiting Profile to help maximize your exposure to college coaches. College coaches will receive the Online Recruiting Profile Book prior and during the tournament . 

Sign Up Now!

With the athlete’s online profile, they can upload matches, a picture, transcripts, and write up a bio about themselves for college coaches to view. This software will help navigate the athlete through the process. It will allow them to: send invites to college coaches, keep track of what college coaches viewed and bookmarked their profile, have access to our college coaches’ database that has every current head coaches’ contact information at the entire collegiate level, NCAA Recruiting Calendar, Digital NCAA Eligibility worksheets, add their Competition Schedule, and an Athlete’s Recruiting Diary to track their recruiting process and status.

Our staff is comprised of former NCAA Division 1 coaches, athletes, and All-Americans. Our staff has coached and wrestled at Ohio State, Hofstra University, Army, Rutgers, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Lock Haven, and the NYAC. Some of their credentials include NCAA All-American’s, NCAA Runner-up, NCAA Champion, and a 4th place finish 2010 World Team Trials.

Bouzakis Family Needs Our Support

2-Year Old Son Of Troy Bouzakis Has Inoperable Brain Tumor

Nearly two months ago Greco Roman Bouzakis, the youngest son of 3X NYS champion and Pine Bush graduate Troy Bouzakis, was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, an inoperable brain stem cancer found in children.  The diagnosis occurred only a month after the family moved to the Tampa, FL area.  Click on the link below to read the story about how the wrestling community of Steinbrenner High School is pulling together to help the Bouzakis family.  Let’s make this story go viral.

                 Steinbrenner High School Shows Support For Bouzakis Family