Section 9 Division 1 Championship – Day 2


102: Luke Satriano (VC) dec 6-2 Cooper Merli (NFA)
110: Nicholas Weeden (VC) dec 8-1 Wyatt Boice (MV)
118: Alex Greco (War) dec 3-0 Sofia Macaluso (MV)
126: Anthony Tresch (MV) dec 3-0 Sebastian Vidacovich (VC)
132: Andrew Marchese (Wash) dec 6-0 Zak McKernan (MV)
138: PJ Duke (MV) maj 17-6 Jordan Brown (MW)
145: Luke Greiner (MV) dec 5-3 sv Jackson Merli (NFA)
152: Eric Tigue (MV) dec 5-2 Tyler Reed (Corn)
160: Zack Ryder (MV) f 2:59 Anthony Manzi (NFA)
172: Mikey Altomer (MV) maj 10-1 Mike Zrelak (MW)
189: Andrew Filip (MV) dec 3-2 Braydon Pennell (PB)
215: Ethan Gallo (MV) f :51 Bryson Tibbs (Midd)
285: Stephan Monchery (Midd) f 2:12 Dom Siracusa (Goshen)

Consi Finals

3rd 102: Marco Futia (Wall) dec 4-2 Brady Judd (War)
5th 102: Joe Uhrig (MV) maj 9-1 Luke Dakin (FDR)

3rd 110: Vinny Vidacovich (VC) maj 12-4 Liam Hayes (MW)
5th 110: Kevin Aleci (Corn) dec 3-1 Joe Sullivan (MV)

3rd 118: Rocco Futia (Wall) 3:20 Maxim Javorsky (MW)
5th 118: Logan Pennell (PB) dec 8-6 James Duffy (PB)

3rd 126: Grant Barczak (MW) maj 10-2 Viktor Banda (Wall)
5th 126: Jayden Norris (Midd) dec 8-2 Marco Piazza (MW)

3rd 132: Griffen Petzold (War) dec 1-0 Jacob Roger (Midd)
5th 132: Isaac Hernandez (Mont) dec 4-2 Michael Accardo (War)

3rd 138: Liam Holmes (MV) dec 5-3 Jackson Brady (Gosh)
5th 138: Tyler Desotle (War) f 4:50 Michael Tomblinson (Midd)

3rd 145: George Thomas (Wall) f 3:15 Dominic Genarro (Wash)
5th 145: Brandon Carcaterra (MW) dec 7-5 Theo Ballantine (Corn)

3rd 152: Christian Hockx (Saug) maj 9-0 Marco Martini (Wall)
5th 152: Ibriham Aljamal (Wash) maj 11-0 Jason Citron (MW)

3rd 160: George Racz (MV) f :37 Logan Serafin (Wash)
5th 160: Rob Liggio (MW) f 2:31 Jake Mazzella (War)

3rd 172: Myles Gordon (King) dec 8-4 Nick Cavallo (Corn)
5th 172: Jalen Charles (Midd) dec 6-4 Johnny Accardo (War)

3rd 189: Max Winkler (Gosh) dec 4-2 Joe Ponesse (NFA)
5th 189: Nick York (King) f 1:24 Joe Bacenet (War)

3rd 215: Justin Callahan (Wash) maj 9-1 Gavin Furst (Corn)
5th 215: Lou DelBianco (Beacon) f 1:15 Chris Betcher (Wall)

3rd 285: Rahmiere Bradley (Midd) dec 5-2 Aiden DeEntremont (Gosh)
5th 285: Nick Valenzano (Corn) f 4:19 Saul Abrego (PB)


102: (1) Luke Satriano (VC) wbf 1:16 (4) Marco Futia (Wall)
102: (2) Cooper Merli (NFA) maj 16-3 (3) Joseph Uhrig (MV)

110: (1) Nicholas Weeden (VC) maj 10-1 (4) Liam Hayes (MW)
110: (2) Wyatt Boice (MV) f 2:35 (3) Vinny Vidacovich (VC)

118: (1) Sofia Macaluso (MV) dec 5-0 (4) Maxim Javorsky (MW)
118: (2) Alex Greco (War) maj 12-3 (3) Rocco Futia (Wall)

126: (1) Anthony Tresch (MV) dec 7-2 (5) Viktor Banda (Wall)
126: (2) Sebastian Vidacovich (VC) f 5:33 (6) Grant Barczak (MW)

132: (1) Andrew Marchese (Wash) f :16 (4) Jacob Roger (Midd)
132: (2) Zak McKernan (MV) f 3:28 (6) Griffin Petzold (War)

138: (1) PJ Duke (MV) f 1:51 (4) Michael Tomblinson (Midd)
138: (2) Jordan Brown (MW) f 3:35 (3) Jackson Brady (Gosh)

145: (1) Jackson Merli (NFA) de 8-4 (5) George Thomas (Wall)
145: (2) Luke Greiner (MV) f :26 (3) Dominic Gennaro (Wash)

152: (1) Tyler Reed (Corn) f 1:20 (4) Ibrahim Aljamal (Wash)
152: (2) Eric Tigue (MV) f 1:41 (6) Marco Martini (Wall)

160: (1) Zack Ryder (MV) f :15 (5) Rob Liggio (MW)
160: (3) Anthony Manzi (NFA) f 3:47 (2) George Racz (MV)

172: (1) Mikey Altomer (MV) f 3:16 (4) Johnny Accardo (War)
172: (2) Mike Zrelak (MW) f 1:57 (3) Nick Cavallo (Corn)

189: (1) Andrew Filip (MV) de 7-3 (4) Max Winkler (Gosh)
189: (3) Braydon Pennell (PB) maj 14-2 (2) Joe Ponesse (NFA)

215: (1) Ethan Gallo (MV) :46 (4) Lou DelBianco (Beacon)
215: (3) Bryson Tibbs (Midd) maj 12-4 (2) Justin Callahan (Wash)

285: (1) Stephan Monchery (Midd) f 2:30 (4) Saul Abrego (PB)
285: (2) Dom Siracusa (Goshen) f 5:43 (3) Nick Valenzano (Corn)

Consi Semis

102: Judd dec Uhrig
102: Futia dec Dakin

110: Vidacovich dec Sullivan
110: Hayes dec Aleci

118: Futia pin Duffy
118: Javorsky pin Pennell

126: Barczak dec Piazza
126: Banda dec Norris

132: Petzold dec Hernandez
132: Roger dec Accardo

138: Brady dec Desotle
138: Holmes dec Tomblinson

145: Gennaro over Balantine
145: Thomas dec Carcaterra

152: Martini dec Cintron
152: Hockx pin Aljamal

160: Racz dec Mazzella
160: Serafin over Liggio

172: Cavallo dec Charles
172: Gordon dec Accardo

189: Ponesse over York
189: Winkler pin Bacenet

215: Callahan dec Betcher
215: Furst dec DelBianco

285: Valenzano vs Bradley
285: DeEntremont pin Abrego

Section 9 Championships – Day 1

102 – Quarterfinals
(1) Satriano (VC) f :12 Noboa (Midd)
(4) Futia (Wall) dec 5-4 (5) Judd (War)
(3) Uhrig (MV) maj 8-0 Dakin (FDR)
(2) Merli (NFA) f :23 NcNally (PB)

110 – Quarterfinals
(1) Weedon (VC) f 1:02 Ingrassia (Saug)
(4) Hayes (MW) f 3:54 Sullivan (MV)
(3) Vidacovich (VC) f 1:03 Aleci (Corn)
(2) Boice (MV) f 3:08 Busby (NFA)

118 – Quarterfinals
(1) Macaluso (MV) f 1:19 Duffy (PB)
(4) Javorsky (MW) f 2:42 Betancourt (Beacon)
(3) Futia (Wall) maj 8-0 Perales (Gosh)
(2) Greco (War) f 1:33 Pennell (PB)

126 – Quarterfinals
(1) Tresch (MV) dec 5-2 (8) Piazza (MW)
(5) Banda (Wall) dec 4-0 Hockx (Saug)
(6) Barczak (MW) dec 5-4 (3) Norris (Midd)
(2) Vidacovich (VC) dec 7-0 (7) Mercado (NFA)

132 – Quarterfinals
(1) Marchese (Wash) f 1:53 (8) Hernandez (Mont)
(4) Roger (Midd) dec 5-1 (5) Urena (PB)
(6) Petzold (War) dec 1-0 (3) Accardo (War)
(2) McKernan (MV) dec 5-0 (7) Segali (NFA)

138 – Quarterfinals
(1) Duke (MV) f 1:28 Dyke (Saug)
(4) Tomblinson (Midd) f 1:39 Desotle (War)
(3) Brady (Gosh) 16-8 Holmes (MV)
(2) Brown (MW) f 3:08 (7) Godines (Midd)

145 – Quarterfinals
(1) Merli (NFA) f 3:49 (8) Villodos (Gosh)
(5) Thomas (Wall) f 3:38 (4) Ballantine (Corn)
(3) Gennaro (Wash) dec 9-6 Charlot (MW)
(2) Greiner (MV) f 3:00 Carcaterra (MW)

152 – Quarterfinals
(1) Reed (Corn) f 1:30 (8) Rick (VC)
(4) Aljamal (Wash) f 3:05 Cintron (Midd)
(6) Martini (Wall) f 3:17 Nilson (War)
(2) Tigue f 3:13 (7) Hockx (Saug)

160 – Quarterfinals
(1) Ryder (MV) f :20 (8) Mazzella (War)
(5) Liggio (MW) f 3:38 (4) Greer (PB)
(3) Manzi (NFA) f 1:02 (6) Serafin (Wash)
(2) Racz (MV) f 1:25 (7) Barnett (Wall)

172 – Quarterfinals
(1) Altomer (MV) f 4:14 (8) Charles (Midd)
(4) Accardo (War) maj 9-1 (5) Leggett (NFA)
(3) Cavallo (Corn) dec 5-3 (6) Sanchez (FDR)
(2) Zrelak (MW) dec 6-4 (7) Gordon (King)

189 – Quarterfinals
(1) Filip (MV) f :53 Annacone (Wall)
(4) Winkler (Gosh) f 1:31 (5) York (King)
(3) Pennell (PB) f 2:14 (6) Ladka (MW)
(2) Ponesse (NFA) f 1:23 Bacenet (War)

215 – Quarterfinals
(1) Gallo (MV) f 3:11 Betcher (Wall)
(4) DelBianco (Beacon) f :47 Wannamaker (MW)
(3) Tibbs (Midd) f 5:15 (6) Furst (Corn)
(2) Callahan (Wash) dec 7-5 (7) Bucci (Saug)

285 – Quarterfinals
(1) Monchery (Midd) f :12 Bradley (Midd)
(4) Abrego (PB) dec 3-0 (5) Haydt (Beacon)
(3) Valenzano (Corn) f 3:47 DeEntremont (Gosh)
(2) Siracusa (Gosh) dec 5-0 (7) Gove (MV)

Wrestlebacks – Losers of Quarterfinals

102: Judd (War) f 3:23 Noboa (Midd)
102: Dakin (FDR) maj 15-6 McNally (PB)

110: Sullivan (MV) f 4:34 Ingrassia (Saug)
110: Aleci (Corn) f 2:17 Busby (NFA)

118: Duffy (PB) dec 14-10 Betancourt (Beacon)
118: Pennell (PB) dec 6-5 Perales (Goshen)

126: Piazza (MW) dec 6-2 Hockx (Saug)
126: Norris (Midd) dec 3-0 Mercado (NFA)

132: Hernandez (Mont) dec 3-2 Urena (PB)
132: Accardo (War) f 4:32 Segali (NFA)

138: Desotle (War) f :59 Dyke (Saug)
138: Holmes (MV) f 2:38 Godines (Midd)

145: Ballantine (Corn) dec 8-2 Villodas (Gosh)
145: Carcaterra (MW) f 2:22 Charlot (MW)

152: Cintron (Midd) dec 6-4 Rick (VC)
152: Hockx (Saug) f 4:00 Nilson (War)

160: Mazzella (War) f 2:00 Greer (PB)
160: Serafin (Wash) dec 4-3 Barnett (Wall)

172: Charles (Midd) f 3:47 Leggett (Midd)
172: Gordon (King) dec 10-5 Sanchez (FDR)

189: York (King) f 1:53 Annacone (Wall)
189: Bacenet (War) f 1:14 Ladka (MW)

215: Betcher (Wall) f 3:45 Wanamaker (MW)
215: Furst (Corn) fft over Bucci (Saug)

285: Bradley (Midd) f 3:45 Haydt (Beacon)
285: DeEntremont (Gosh) f 4:23 Gove (MV)

Girls Division – Finals

110: Savannah Tittelbeck (Saug) f 3:05 Lilykate Brosnan (Onteora)
118: Brooke Tarshis (PB) f 1:05 Aleah Shron (FDR)
132: Destiny Walsh (Rondout) f 3:15 Alicia Smith (FDR)
160: Elisa Rhodes (Onteora) f 3:19 Zoe Kip (Liberty)

102 – Round 16
(1) Luke Satriano (MV) – bye
Anthony Noboa (Midd) dec 7-2 Garrett Judd (War)
(5) Brady Judd (War) – bye
(4) Marco Futia (Wall) – bye
(3) Joe Uhrig (MV) – bye
(6) Luke Dakin (FDR) – bye
(7) Gabriel McNally (PB) wbf 4:31 Devin Charles (Midd)
(2) Cooper Merli (NFA) – bye

110 – Round 16
(1) Nick Weeden (VC) – bye
(8) Gavin Ingrassia (Saug) wbf :49 Justin Noboa (Midd)
(5) Joe Sullivan (MV) maj 16-3 Logan Schultis (War)
(4) Liam Hayes (MW) f 1:05 Luke Kozlik (Beacon)
(3) Vinny Vidacovich (VC) f 2:05 Liam McCarthy (Wall)
(6) Kevin Aleci (Corn) f 5:32 Joe Minnies (MW)
(7) Jordan Busby (NFA) dec 9-7 Cooper Grossi (Wall)
(2) Wyatt Boice (MV) f :55 Bryan Alzamora (Midd)

118 – Round 16
(1) Sofia Macaluso (MV) – bye
James Duffy (PB) f 5:00
Jude Betancourt (Beacon) f 5:28 (5) Joe Torres (Midd)
(4) Maxim Javorsky (MW) f 2:56 John Mera (King)
(3) Rocco Futia (Wall) f :20 Sam Goldstein (FDR)
(6) Jacob Perales (Gosh) f 1:39 Zachary Burns (Saug)
(7) Logan Pennell (PB) dec 9-2 Chase Porter (War)
(2) Alex Greco (War) – bye

126 – Round 16
(1) Anthony Tresch (MV) f 1:09 Tzezailidis (War)
(8) Marco Piazzo (MW) dec 14-5 Michael Lombardi (Gosh)
(5) Vikto Banta (Wall) f :24 Ronan Moran (Beacon)
(4) Isaiah Hockx (Saug) f 4:37 Cam Lopez (Wall)
(3) Jayden Norris (Midd) f :57 Max Goldstein (FDR)
(6) Grant Barczak (MW) 4:39 Dan Trojan (PB)
(7) Matt Mercado (NFA) 1:30 Brandon Hardy (Beacon)
(2) Sebastian Vidacovich (VC) f :23 Ben McGahan (King)

132 – Round 16
(1) Andrew Marchese (Wash) f 3:49 Logan Stipak (Wall)
(8) Isaac Hernandez (Mont) f 1:51 Anthony Denier (Saug)
(5) Rich Urena (PB) f 2:29 Ivan Duran (NFA)
(4) Jacob Roger (Midd) maj 8-0 Stonington Kizun (Corn)
(3) Michael Accardo (War) maj 16-2 Malachi Tomblinson (Midd)
(6) Griffin Petzold (War) f 4:18 Denilson Sanchez (FDR)
(7) Kevin Segali (NFA) f 1:09 Jake Lederman (Gosh)
(2) Zak McKernan (MV) f :52 Domenic Defelice (King)

138 – Round 16
(1) PJ Duke (MV) f 1:27 Demisse Mazzetti (Wall)
Vance Dyke (Saug) f 1:32 (8) Dan Way (Beacon)
Tyler Desotle (War) dec 11-4 Aaron Caoili (Corn)
(4) Michael Tomblinson (Midd) f 3:44 Jack Bucci (Saug)
(3) Jackson Brady (Gosh) f :20 Alex Poitras (Mont)
Liam Holmes (MW) maj 15-5 (6) John Subocz
(7) Pedro Godines (Midd) dec 12-9 Musa Aljamal (Wash)
(2) Jordan Brown (MW) f 2:24 Dan Weeden (Goshen)

145 – Round 16
(1) Jack Merli (NFA) f 1:47 Cameron Sousa (Saug)
(8) Henry Villodas (Goshen) dec 9-3 Tim Hewitt (Wash)
(5) George Thomas (Wall) f 1:40 Ed Morley (PB)
(4) Theo Ballantine (Corn) maj 12-3 Mario Lam (Goshen)
(3) Dom Gennaro (Wash) f 1:37 Jak Jurkowski (Saug)
Marcus Charlot (MW) dec 13-9 (6) Andrew Scambati (Midd)
Brandon Carcaterra (MW) f :17 (7) Luke Posta (War)
(2) Luke Greiner (MV) f 1:35 Ben Butchalter (Wall)

152 – Round 16
(1) Tyler Reed (Corn) – bye
(8) Aundre Rick (VC) f 1:28 Tray Bilyou (FDR)
(5) Jason Cintron (Midd) dec 8-1 Anthony Mitchell (Goshen)
(4) Ibrahim Aljamal (Wash) vs Kyle Grant (Corn)
(3) Erik Nilson (War) f :22 Eddie Kern (FDR)
(6) Marco Martini (Wall) f 2:17 Alec Grogan (NFA)
(7) Christian Hockx (Saug) f 1:48 Brody Timm (Beacon)
(2) Eric Tigue (MV) f 1:00 Matt Finnerty (Mont)

160 – Round 16
(1) Zack Ryder (MV) f:29 Paul Lamparillo (Gosh)
(8) Jack Mazzella (War) f 5:03 James Burns (Saug)
(5) Rob Liggio (MW) f 2:48 Lucas Pipitone (Saug)
(4) Devin Greer (PB) dec 11-5 Chris Herriman (FDR)
(3) Anthony Manzi (NFA) f 1:15 Nick Hansen (MW)
(6) Logan Serafin (Wash) dec 6-1 Patrick Cosgrove (Corn)
(7) Jai Barnett (Wall) f :35 Brandon Lantos (Wall)
(2) George Racz (MV) f :39 Shane Babcock (Corn)

172 – Round 16
(1) Mike Altomer (MV) f 1:11 Andrew Kroemer (Corn)
(8) Jalen Charles (Midd) dec 11-6 Aaron Bernard (MW)
(5) Chris Leggett (NFA) f 5:08 Sean Sasson (Saug)
(4) Johnny Accardo (War) f :57 Anthony Dasilva (Wash)
(3) Nick Cavallo (Corn) f :59 Jahmar Burgess (Beacon)
(6) Hector Sanchez (FDR) maj 12-2 Irvin Oestrich (Mont)
(7) Myles Gordon (King) tf 20-3 Aaron Gay (Gosh)
(2) Mike Zrelak (MW) f :37 Irim Bell (Beacon)

189 – Round 16
(1) Andrew Filip (MV) – bye
Anthony Annacone (Wall) f 5:47 (8) Alex Kahil (Beacon)
(5) Nick York (King) – bye
(4) Max Winkler (Gosh) – bye
(3) Braydon Pennell (PB) – bye
(6) Craig Ladka (MW) bye
Joe Bacenet (War) f 2:15 (7) Dante Joseph
(2) Joe Ponesse (NFA) – bye

215 – Round 16
(1) Ethan Gallo (MV) f :22 Brayden Davies (VC)
Chris Betcher (Wall) dec 6-3 (8) Fernand Vera (Midd)
Aiden Wanamaker (MW) f 56 (5) Jake McVey (Wash)
(4) Lou Delbianco (Beacon) f :28 Gabe Dayton (Corn)
(3) Bryson Tibbs (Midd) f 3:02 Sam Lundsford (Beacon)
(6) Gavin Furst (Corn) f 2:17 Kyle Kubik (Goshen)
(7) Jimmy Bucci (Saug) f 3:04 Aiden Harrison (NFA)
(2) Justin Callahan (Wash) f 1:13 Jake Rooney (War)

285 – Round 16
(1) Stephan Monchery (Midd) f 1:35 Hezekiah Hill (Corn)
Rahmiere Bradley (Midd) f 5:29 (8) Dan Jabbour (MW)
(5) Tyler Haydt (Beacon) f 1:58 Zane Grant (Saug)
(4) Saul Abrego (PB) f 4:45 Jesse Corces (Mont)
(3) Nick Valenzano (Corn) f :19 John Kostner (Saug)
(6) Aiden DeEntremont (Gosh) f 3:04 Kristjan Kulaj (Wash)
(7) Aiden Gove (MV) f 1:56 Zach Freedman (War)
(2) Dom Siracusa (Goshen) f 1:44 Nico Smith (Beacon)

Section 9 Wrestling – Girls Division Paving the Way for NYSPHSAA Sanctioning

Pine Bush sophomore Brooke Tarshis is the #1 seed at 118 in the Girls Tournament

The 2022 Section 9 Wrestling Championships will once again feature a Girls Only Division. The tournament had a Girls Division in 2020 – there was no Section 9 Wrestling tournament in 2021 due to COVID-19. The number of girls entered in this year’s tournament is nearly twice the number that competed in 2020! This number is going to continue to increase as girls wrestling is one of the fastest growing sports in the United States.

Sanctioning Girls Wrestling
New York State girls have been competing in wrestling for many years now. However, since Girls Wrestling is not a NYSPHSAA sanctioned sport, our female wrestlers have been forced to compete against boys. Have there been girls who have succeeded against the boys? Absolutely! Pioneers like Amy Whitbeck from Section 2 and state finalist Carlene Sluberski from Section 6 paved the way for some of the current girl wrestlers who have made headlines on both the local and national levels. We actually have two girls who are #1 seeds in the boy’s division at this year’s Section 9 tournaments – Charlie Wylie from Port Jervis is the top seed at 102 in the D2 tournament while Minisink Valley’s Sofia Macaluso is seeded #1 at 118 in the D1 tournament. Sofia placed 3rd in the Section 9 tournament as a freshman in 2019. Two years ago, Minisink Valley’s Mia Macaluso placed 4th in the Section 9 tournament at 126 pounds.

We have to stop and think though. How many girls are out there who would love to try the sport of wrestling, but they really are not enamored with the idea of competing against boys? Making Girls Wrestling a NYSPHSAA sanctioned sport will likely open the flood gates for hundreds of girls who are thinking about lacing up the shoes and stepping on the mat – girl vs girl!

The pathway to have the NYSPHSAA sanction girls wrestling has been laid out. It’s pretty straight forward and it is definitely attainable. New York State needs to have four sections with four girls wrestling programs in order to receive NYSPHSAA sanctioning – that is it – four sections with four teams each! In order to have a sanctioned Girls Only state championship tournament there needs to be six sections with four teams each. This can be done, and it can be done quickly! Our Girls Division in the Section 9 tournament is a major step towards this goal!

Take a look below at the schedule for this year’s Section 9 Wrestling Girls Division as well as a quick weight class by weight class preview. The tournament takes place on Friday February 11 at Monroe Woodbury High School.

Tournament Schedule
3:00 – Weigh-ins
5:00 – Quarterfinal and Semifinal rounds
6:15 – Finals and Consolation Finals

There is a free stream of the tournament on Friday!
Click here for the link!

Girls Tournament Preview

110 Pounds
Saugerties freshman Savanah Tittlebeck is the top seed at 110 pounds in the girl’s division. Tittlebeck picked up 11 wins this season wrestling at 102 and 110 for Saugerties. The 2nd seed here at 110 in the girl’s division is LilyKate Brosnan from Onteora. Brosnan has picked up six wins but has logged a lot of mat thime this season. The other girls at 110 are Adrianna Gonzales from Fallsburg Tri-Valley, Alexis Castro from Monticello, and Ava Bach from Saugerties.

118 Pounds
Brooke Tarshis is our #1 seed at 118 pounds at the 2022 Section 9 Girls Tournament! The Pine Bush sophomore notched nine wins this season and just finished 5th at the JV Sections last week! In the semis, Tarshis will have to get past the winner of the quarterfinal bout between Alexea Walsh of Rondout Valley and Alma Astras from Chester. If the seeds hold up, Tarshis will face #2 seed Aleah Shron from FDR. In order to get to the finals Shron will need to get past either Angela Smith from Kingston or Veronica Flores from Onteora.

126 Pounds
This 126-pound weight class in the girl’s tournament has two girls entered, Destiny Walsh from Rondout Valley and Citrus Triplett from Red Hook. It is possible that a girl or two may decide to bump up from 118 which will add more depth to this weight. As it stands now, Walsh is the top seed and heavy favorite to win the title here.

132 Pounds
This weight also has only two girls currently entered. It is possible that this changes before the brackets become official after weigh-ins. As of right now we have FDR sophomore Alicia Smith as the #1 seed and Saugerties Gillian Mills as our #2 seed at 132.

160 Pounds
The top seed at 160 in the girl’s division is Elisa Rhodes from Onteora. Rhodes has a 5-3 record for the season with two pins. Her opponent in the semis will be Chester freshman Faith Villanueva. The bottom half of the bracket at 160 will feature #2 seed Zoe Kip from Saugerties and 3rd seeded Kaida Miller from Middletown.

Section 9 Division 2 Championships – Preview, Seeds, Schedule, and Streaming Link

The Section 9 Wrestling Division 2 Championship tournament takes place this Sunday, February 13, 2022, at Liberty High School. Below are the top-4 seeds in every weight, a weight class by weight class preview, the schedule, and a link for a stream of the finals for those who cannot attend.

Click here for a link to the live stream to the finals

Division 2 Tournament Schedule – Liberty High School
11:15 – Outbrackets/Round of 16 (3 mats)
11:45 – Quarterfinals (3 mats)
1:15 – Semifinals (2 mats)
1:15 – Wrestlebacks – Quarterfinals losers (1 mat…3 mats once Semis conclude)
3:00 – Consi Semifinals (3 mats)
4:15 – Consi Finals (3 mats)
5:15 – Introductions
5:30 – Finals (1 mat)

Division 2 Tournament – Top 4 Seeds & Preview

102 Pounds
1. Charlie Wylie – Port Jervis
2. Trent Edwards – Chester
3. Lorenzo Caserto – Marlboro
4. Payton Kothe – Onteora

Top seeded Charlie Wylie from Port Jervis is having a great year and she’s not done yet. She’s a heavy favorite to win here and may surprise a few people in Albany. She has yet to wrestle the #2 seed Edwards but has pinned the #3 seed Caserto and the #4 seed Kothe.

110 Pounds
1. Trevor Tufano – Port Jervis
2. Ewan Celestine – Red Hook
3. Nick Laskowski – Rondout Valley
4. Cody Russman – Port Jervis

Port Jervis senior Trevor Tufano is the top seed, and he is primed to win his 3rd Section 9 title on Sunday. Tufano’s only loss this season came at the NYS Dual meet championships. The bottom half of the bracket should produce a great semifinal between Celestine and Laskowski. These two had a 13-10 shoot out earlier this year which was won the Red Hook freshman Celestine.

118 Pounds
1. Rian Kirker – Red Hook
2. Rebecca Brennen – New Paltz
3. Alyssa Reed – Port Jervis
4. Lucas Ospina – Rondout Valley

Red Hook’s Rian Kirker is looking to capture his second Section 9 crown however his toughest obstacle could be in the semis when he will likely square off with Ospina from Rondout. These two had a great match a month ago where Kirker was victorious 8-6 in sudden victory. If the seeds hold up, we could have an all-girl semifinal on the bottom half of the bracket between Brennen and Reed!

126 Pounds
1. Chris Gatto – Highland
2. Tyler Csernai – Chester
3. Thomas Schields – Onteora
4. Justin Coniker – Ellenville

Chris Gatto from Highland has had a great season and is the heavy favorite here. He has yet to wrestle Csernai from Chester however he has wins by pinfall over the #3 seed Shields and the #4 seed Coniker. Gatto has a 30-6 record for the season.

132 Pounds
1. Rocco DeAveiro – Rondout Valley
2. Demetrius Massey – Red Hook
3. Shane Cranna – Red Hook
4. Nathan VanKleek – Port Jervis

Rondout Valley’s Rocco DeAveiro is the #1 seed here. He has a 14-3 record for the season and all three losses came to D1 wrestlers. His closest win of the season came to our #2 seed, Demetrius Massey from Red Hook. DeAveiro beat Massey 5-3 in sudden victory about a month ago. If the seeds hold true, this could be one of the best matches of the finals!

138 Pounds
1. Logan Zehr – Highland
2. Justin Coiteux – New Paltz
3. Michael Franco – Chester
4. Brandon Thiel – Onteora

Logan Zehr is having a great season and is the top seed here. The Highland senior has only suffered one loss all season and that was back in December at the Mid-Hudson tournament. Zehr and the #2 seed Coiteux have locked horns twice this season with Zehr winning both times. Both matches, however, were competitive -namely the second meeting that was decided by a 3-1 margin.

145 Pounds
1. Ryan Ross – Port Jervis
2. Steven Blakely – Onteora
3. Quinn Jones – Highland
4. Christian Totman – Red Hook

Port Jervis sophomore Ryan Ross is looking to add a 2nd Section 9 D2 title to his trophy case. Ross is a clear-cut favorite here. He hasn’t wrestled the #2 seed Steven Blakely from Onteora however he does have a pin over the #3 seed Quinn Jones from Highland.

152 Pounds
1. Walter Evans – Ellenville
2. Cole Cuppett – New Paltz
3. Frankie Shaw – Burke
4. Tyler Santangelo – Chester

If our seeds hold up here, this will be one of the most anticipated finals of the tournament. Evans is having a great year and Cuppett is tough as nails. We also need to keep an eye on Frankie Shaw here. Shaw ended the season strong and had a very tight 3-1 loss to top seeded Evans a few days ago.

160 Pounds
1. Logan Smith – Highland
2. Cole Nelson – Red Hook
3. Avery Burns – Onteora
4. Gunner Smith – Highland

At 28-3 and no losses to a D2 wrestler, Smith is a heavy favorite to take home the title at 160. Smith lost 2X to Manzi from NFA and lost to a Long Island wrestler at the Mid-Hudson. Nelson and Burns could provide fans with an entertaining semifinal in the bottom half of the bracket.

172 Pounds
1. Wyatt Konjas – Onteora
2. Nick Dicurcio – Chester
3. Jake Mazzie – Burke
4. Nathan Towne – Ellenville

Our #1 seed at 172 is Wyatt Konjas from Onteora and he has wins over the #2, #3, and #4 seeds. He majored DiCurcio and he pinned Mazzie and Towne so he’s a pretty solid favorite to take home the title on Sunday and punch his ticket to Albany.

189 Pounds
1. Ivan Figueroa – Port Jervis
2. Eamon Hill – Onteora
3. Akil Williams – Chester
4. Jacob Roller – Ellenville

Out top seed at 189 is Ivan Figueroa. The Port Jervis sophomore has notched 20 wins this season and one of his victories was a win by fall over our #2 seed Eamon Hill from Onteora. Hill wrestled half of the season at 160 before making the decision to jump up two weights to 189. Akil Williams is dangerous and should be watched here.

215 Pounds
1. Teddy Szymanski – Chester
2. Matt Oosterom – Port Jervis
3. Tomasz Zaborowski – New Paltz
4. Spencer Lewis – Chester

The top two seeds here, Szymanski and Oosterom, met earlier this season and the Chester senior won by pin. Oosterom, only a sophomore, has improved throughout the season so this could wind up being a very competitive finals if the seeds hold!

285 Pounds
1. Logan Ormond – New Paltz
2. Olivier Rekuc – Ellenville
3. Alex Bollin – Rondout Valley
4. Nicholas Bonner – Fallsburg/Tri-Valley

New Paltz junior Ormond seems to be a very solid favorite here and has recorded a pin over the #3 seed Bollin. Ormond has not, however, wrestled Rekuc this season. The #2 seed from Ellenville has split time wrestling at both 215 and 285. Styles make matches so this could be a good one!

Section 9 Wrestling – Division 1 Preview

In just a few short days we will see who the best wrestler is in all 13 weight classes at the Section 9 Wrestling Championship tournament. This year’s tournament, however, will have a new twist to it. The qualifying system for the NYSPHSAA Championships has changed and now the top TWO wrestlers in each weight class from Section 9 will qualify for the state tournament in Albany. So does this mean that all of the finalists on Saturday night have qualified for the state tournament…well no, not really. As has always been the case, the champion automatically qualifies. The wrestler who finishes second, however, may need to wrestle in a “true second” match to determine who is the second qualifier for the state tournament at that weight.

True Second – Explained
Many of the people reading this post may be unfamiliar with “true second” matches. True second matches are usually only contested when a tournament serves as a qualifier for another tournament – in this case, the top two wrestlers in each weight class qualify for the NYSPHSAA Championships in Albany. (True seconds matches are also used to determine National or World Team members.)

So how does it work? This is the simplest way to explain it. If a wrestler finishes 1st in their weight, they automatically qualify for states. If the 2nd place finisher defeated the 3rd place finisher earlier in the tournament, then the 2nd place finisher has qualified for the state tournament. If, however, the wrestler who finished in 3rd place did not lose to the wrestler who lost in the finals, a “true second” match will take place between those two wrestlers. The wrestler who wins the true second match will be the 2nd qualifier for that weight for the NYS state tournament. True second matches will take place shortly after the finals have ended.

Weight-By-Weight Division 1 Tournament Preview

102 PoundsTop 8 Seeds
1. Luke Satriano – Valley Central
2. Cooper Merli – Newburgh Free Academy
3. Joseph Uhrig – Minisink Valley
4. Marco Futia – Wallkill
5. Brady Judd – Warwick
6. Luke Dakin – FDR
7. Gabriel McNally – Pine Bush
8. Garrett Judd – Warwick

The lightweights usually provide us with some of the most exciting and dramatic matches of the Section 9 tournament and this year will be no different. Top seed Luke Satriano from Valley Central is undefeated this season and is considered a strong contender to be a medalist at the state tournament in Albany. Does this mean that he is going to roll through the Section 9 tournament? Absolutely not! NFA’s Cooper Merli has dropped two bouts to Satriano this year however the second loss was a razor close 1-0 decision. They always say that it’s tough to beat the same good wrestler 3X in one year. Will that be the case here or could we possibly see an upset from one of our other top wrestlers at 102? Minisink Valley’s Joseph Uhrig seems to be getting better each week and only lost 5-0 to Merli earlier this year. Wallkill’s Marco Futia has 7 losses this season however he hasn’t lost to a S9 wrestler all year and he has a win over Warwick’s Brady Judd who will contend here. FDR’s Luke Dakin is very scrappy and wrestles a full six minutes and should not be overlooked here.

110 Pounds
1. Nicholas Weeden – Valley Central
2. Wyatt Boice – Minisink Valley
3. Vincent Vidacovich – Valley Central
4. Liam Hayes – Monroe Woodbury
5. Joe Sullivan – Minisink Valley
6. Kevin Aleci – Cornwall
7. Jordan Busby – NFA
8. Gavin Ingrassia – Saugerties

Valley Central has a #1 seed for the second weight class in a row in Nicholas Weeden! Weeden has only two losses all season. In the finals of the Mid-Hudson he lost a tough 5-0 decision to Dillon Arrick from Arlington, but his other loss came to the #2 seed here, Wyatt Boice from Minisink Valley. During the MV vs VC dual meet Boice defeated Weeden 6-5 in sudden victory. One week later, Weeden pinned Boice in the finals of the Gene Brigham Tournament earning him the top seed for Sections. This is definitely not a two-horse race though! Monroe Woodbury’s Liam Hayes is tough and can make some noise here as can Minisink’s second entry at 110, Joe Sullivan as well as VC’s second entry Vincent Vidacovich.

118 Pounds
1. Sofia Macaulso – Minisink Valley
2. Alex Greco – Warwick
3. Rocco Futia – Wallkill
4. Maxim Javorsky – Monroe Woodbury
5. Joe Torres – Middletown
6. Jacob Perales – Goshen
7. Logan Pennell – Pine Bush
8. Erik Martin Jr. – Middletown

Without question this will be one of the most closely followed weight classes in this year’s Section 9 tournament. Could we possibly see history? Could #1 seed Sofia Macaluso be the first girl to win a Section 9 wrestling title? Macaluso has notched a couple of impressive wins this season but none more dramatic than her victory over our #2 seed Alex Greco at the Section 9 Duals. Greco, a 2020 NYS place winner at 99 pounds, was ahead of Macaluso 3-0 in the third period before losing by pinfall with only a few ticks left on the clock. Before we see this rematch however, someone is going to have to get through Rocco Futia from Wallkill. Futia has had a great season and lost a very tight 8-5 decision to Greco a few weeks ago. Monroe Woodbury’s Maxim Javorsky will also be heard at this weight class! Javorsky has dropped two very close decisions to top seed Macaluso and definitely has the potential to be on the mat on Saturday night! We should also keep an eye on Jacob Perales from Goshen and Joe Torres from Middletown who have both put together very nice seasons!

126 Pounds
1. Anthony Tresch – Minisink Valley
2. Sebastian Vidacovich – Valley Central
3. Jayden Norris – Middletown
4. Isaiah Hockx – Saugerties
5. Viktor Banta – Wallkill
6. Grant Barczak – Monroe Woodbury
7. Matt Mercado – NFA
8. Marco Piazza – Monroe Woodbury

This weight class is arguably the most wide-open in the tournament. Minisink Valley’s Anthony Tresch is the top seed, and he has two wins over both the #2 and #6 seeds, Sebastian Vidacovich from Valley Central and Grant Barczak from Monroe Woodbury. That said – his first win over Vidacovich was decided in ride outs, and his first win over Barczak was in sudden victory. As we all know, beating a good wrestler 3X in the same season is never easy making this a great weight class to follow. This weight class is not only three deep! We need to watch out for the three seed Middletown’s Jayden Norris, the four seed Saugerties’ Isaiah Hockx and the number five seed Viktor Banta from Wallkill. Matt Mercado from NFA is also a dangerous wrestler here.

132 Pounds
1. Andrew Marchese – Washingtonville
2. Zachary McKernan – Minisink Valley
3. Michael Accardo – Warwick
4. Jacob Roger – Middletown
5. Richard Urena – Pine Bush
6. Griffin Petzold – Warwick
7. Kevin Segali – NFA
8. Isaac Hernandez – Monticello

Washingtonville senior Andrew Marchese is the top seed and heavy favorite to win the title at 132 this year. Marchese finished 5th in NYS in 2020 and is undefeated this year. All but three of Marchese’s wins this season have been bonus point victories, and one of those non-bonus point wins came against 2nd seeded Zackary McKernan from Minisink Valley. McKernan, who was defeated 14-7 by Marchese has put together a great season and has traded wins with Valley Central’s Richie Degon who unfortunately is injured and cannot compete this weekend. Michael Accardo from Warwick, Griffin Petzold from Warwick, NFA’s Kevin Segali, and Jacob Roger from Middletown will also be in the mix at 132 this year.

138 Pounds
1. PJ Duke – Minisink Valley
2. Jordan Brown – Monroe Woodbury
3. Jackson Brady – Goshen
4. Michael Tomblinson – Middletown
5. Aaron Caoili – Cornwall
6. Jonathan Subocz – Monroe Woodbury
7. Pedro Godines – Middletown
8. Dan Way – Beacon

Section 9 is very strong at this weight and will likely send two wrestlers to the state tournament who will both place! Minisink Valley freshman PJ Duke is the #1 seed. Duke is not only a heavy favorite to win this weight class but he’s likely to win a second state championship in Albany in a few weeks. He won the NYS 99-pound weight class as a 7th grader in 2020. Duke, a Super 32 champion and Ironman finalist, is currently ranked #3 in nation at 132 according to FloWrestling. Monroe Woodbury’s Jordan Brown is the #2 seed here and he is also a returning state place winner taking 6th at 99 in 2020. Brown’s only loss of the season came to Duke at the MV vs MW dual meet where Duke won by pinfall at the 3:28 mark of the second period. Another wrestler to watch here is Goshen’s Jackson Brady who is having a great season and should medal high at sections.

145 Pounds
1. Jackson Merli – Newburgh Free Academy
2. Luke Greiner – Minisink Valley
3. Dominic Genarro – Washingtonville
4. Theo Ballantine – Cornwall
5. George Thomas – Wallkill
6. Andrew Sgambati – Middletown
7. Luke Posta – Warwick
8. Henry Villodas – Goshen

If the seeds are correct here, we could see a highly anticipated rematch between NFA’s Jackson Merli and Minisink Valley’s Luke Greiner in the finals on Saturday night. Merli defeated Greiner 8-6 in sudden victory during the MV vs NFA semifinal at the Section 9 Duals so Merli will be the top seed followed Greiner at #2. If both wrestlers make it there, this could be the best match of the finals. Washingtonville’s Dominic Gennaro is having a good year and should place high here and we should also keep our eyes on Theo Ballantine from Cornwall and George Thomas from Wallkill.

152 Pounds
1. Tyler Reed – Cornwall
2. Eric Tigue – Minisink Valley
3. Erik Nilson – Warwick
4. Ibrahim Aljamal – Washingtonville
5. Jason Cintron – Middletown
6. Marco Martini – Wallkill
7. Christian Hockx – Saugerties
8. Andrew Rick – Valley Central

Minisink Valley’s Eric Tigue was a 2X Section 9 D2 champion in 2018 and 2019 when he attended Port Jervis and he is now one of the favorites to win at his first chance to compete in the D1 tournament. Tigue is having an excellent season and is getting better every week. He only has four losses and all four were to very credentialed wrestlers…but Tigue is not the #1 seed here. One wrestler who Tigue has not locked horns with yet is Tyler Reed from Cornwall and he is your top seed. Reed is having a great year and his only loss came at the Mid-Hudson where he was pinned by Section 1 hammer Tim Bova. A few other wrestlers to watch here are Erik Nilson from Warwick, Marco Martini from Wallkill, Christian Hockx from Saugerties, Ibraham Aljamal from Washingtonville, and Jason Cintron from Middletown.

160 Pounds
1. Zackary Ryder – Minisink Valley
2. George Racz – Minisink Valley
3. Anthony Manzi – Newburgh Free Academy
4. Devin Greer – Pine Bush|
5. Robert Liggio – Monroe Woodbury
6. Logan Serafin – Washingtonville
7. Jai Barnett – Wallkill
8. Jack Mazzella – Warwick

Minisink Valley sophomore Zak Ryder is our clear #1 at 160. Ryder was a state champ at 126 in 2020 as an 8th grader and he is currently ranked #11 in the nation at 160 according to FloWrestling. The fight for the second wrestler to represent Section 9 at the state tournament should be a good one though. Ryder’s Minisink Valley teammate George Racz is definitely one of the favorites, but he is going to have to contend with the likes of Anthony Manzi from NFA, Devin Greer from Pine Bush, and Logan Serafin from Washingtonville. We should also keep an eye on Jai Barnett from Wallkill, Rob Liggio from MW, and Jack Mazzella from Warwick.

172 Pounds
1. Mikey Altomer – Minisink Valley
2. Mike Zrelack – Monroe Woodbury
3. Nick Cavallo – Cornwall
4. Johnny Accardo – Warwick
5. Chris Leggett – Newburgh
6. Hector Sanchez – FDR
7. Myles Gordon – Kingston
8. Jalen Charles – Middletown

The top seed at 172 is Mikey Altomer from Minisink Valley. Altomer placed 5th in NYS in 2020 and is having an outstanding year. His only two losses this season occurred back in December at the Ironman, the toughest high school wrestling tournament in the nation. One wrestler who Altomer has not faced yet is the #2 seed Mike Zrelak from Monroe Woodbury. Zrelak is strong and athletic and poses a problem for any opponent. This weight has some decent depth too with guys like Myles Gordon from Kingston, Nick Cavallo from Cornwall, Johnny Accardo from Warwick, Chris Leggett from NFA, Jalen Charles from Middletown and Hector Sanchez from FDR Hyde Park.

189 Pounds
1. Andrew Filip – Minisink Valley
2. Joe Ponesse – Newburgh Free Academy
3. Braydon Pennell – Pine Bush
4. Max Winkler – Goshen
5. Nicholas York – Kingston
6. Craig Ladka – Monroe Woodbury
7. Dante Joseph – Goshen
8. Alex Khalil – Beacon

This can be a great weight to watch unfold. Minisink Valley’s Andrew Filip is having a great year and he is the top seed here. Filip only has one loss, and he has bonus points in almost all of his wins. One wrestler he has not faced yet however is Braydon Pennell from Pine Bush. Pennell is having a very solid year with only two losses to NYS wrestlers and both of those losses were to kids who will likely win their respective sectional tournaments. Filip does have one common opponent win over Pennell but it’s razor close. Filip beat Dillon Blanchard from Section 2 by a score of 7-5 while Blanchard topped Pennel 8-6. There is plenty of other talent at 189. The number 2 seed Joe Ponesse is having a great year as is forth seeded Max Winkler from Goshen who will definitely make some noise here! Do not look past Nick York from Kingston. He can surprise a few people here.

215 Pounds
1. Ethan Gallo – Minisink Valley
2. Justin Callahan – Washingtonville
3. Bryson Tibbs – Middletown
4. Louis DelBianco – Beacon
5. Jake McVey – Washingtonville
6. Gavin Furst – Cornwall
7. James Bucci – Saugerties
8. Fernand Vera – Middletown

One of the heaviest favorites to win his weight class at this year’s Section 9 tournament is Minisink valley Ethan Gallo. Gallo, who finished 6th in NYS at 182 in 2020, is undefeated this year and has scored bonus points in every match that he has wrestled at 215 pounds this season. After Gallo there are several very solid wrestlers who will be in contention for the 2nd ticket to Albany at 215. Washingtonville has two strong contenders in Justin Callahan and Jake McVey. Middletown’s Bryson Tibbs has decided to bump up to 215 and he will give people fits here as will the 7 seed James Bucci. Cornwall’s Gavin Furst is having a very solid season Beacon’s Louis DelBianco could get into the conversation here.

285 Pounds
1. Stephan Monchery – Middletown
2. Dominick Siracusa – Goshen
3. Nick Valenzano – Cornwall
4. Saul Abrego – Pine Bush
5. Tyler Haydt – Beacon
6. Aiden DeEntremont – Goshen
7. Aiden Gove – Minisink Valley
8. Dan Jabbour – Monroe Woodbury

Our heavyweight division could resemble a few of the other weight classes at this tournament – one solid favorite but a pretty wide-open race for the second ticket to Albany. Middletown’s Stephan Monchery is our number one seed here. Monchery is undefeated and has pinned every opponent except one this year in the first period. One wrestler he has not faced yet is Dominick Siracusa from Goshen. Siracusa is the number two seed. He only has two losses this season and they are to the top ranked D1 wrestler in the state, Chales Tibbitts, and the top ranked D2 wrestler in the state, Nick Rogers. The other guys that we need to keep an eye on here are Nick Valenzano from Cornwall, Saul Abrego from Pine Bush, Aiden DeEntremont from Goshen, Aiden Gove from Minisink Valley and Tyler Haydt from Beacon.

Section 9 Division 1 Seeds

Here are the seeds for this weekend’s Section 9 Division 1 Wrestling Championships. The tournament is Friday 2/11 and Saturday 2/12 and is once again being held at Monroe Woodbury High School. The district has unfortunately imposed spectator restrictions on this year’s tournament, so it is important that you CLICK HERE to get all of the ticket purchasing information as well as streaming options for those who are unable to get tickets.

102 Pounds
1. Luke Satriano – Valley Central
2. Cooper Merli – Newburgh Free Academy
3. Joseph Uhrig – Minisink Valley
4. Marco Futia – Wallkill
5. Brady Judd – Warwick
6. Luke Dakin – FDR
7. Gabriel McNally – Pine Bush
8. Garrett Judd – Warwick

110 Pounds
1. Nicholas Weeden – Valley Central
2. Wyatt Boice – Minisink Valley
3. Vincent Vidacovich – Valley Central
4. Liam Hayes – Monroe Woodbury
5. Joe Sullivan – Minisink Valley
6. Kevin Aleci – Cornwall
7. Jordan Busby – NFA
8. Gavin Ingrassia – Saugerties

118 Pounds
1. Sofia Macaulso – Minisink Valley
2. Alex Greco – Warwick
3. Rocco Futia – Wallkill
4. Maxim Javorsky – Monroe Woodbury
5. Joe Torres – Middletown
6. Jacob Perales – Goshen
7. Logan Pennell – Pine Bush
8. Erik Martin Jr. – Middletown

126 Pounds
1. Anthony Tresch – Minisink Valley
2. Sebastian Vidacovich – Valley Central
3. Jayden Norris – Middletown
4. Isaiah Hockx – Saugerties
5. Viktor Banta – Wallkill
6. Grant Barczak – Monroe Woodbury
7. Matt Mercado – NFA
8. Marco Piazza – Monroe Woodbury

132 Pounds
1. Andrew Marchese – Washingtonville
2. Zachary McKernan – Minisink Valley
3. Michael Accardo – Warwick
4. Jacob Roger – Middletown
5. Richard Urena – Pine Bush
6. Griffin Petzold – Warwick
7. Kevin Segali – NFA
8. Isaac Hernandez – Monticello

138 Pounds
1. PJ Duke – Minisink Valley
2. Jordan Brown – Monroe Woodbury
3. Jackson Brady – Goshen
4. Michael Tomblinson – Middletown
5. Aaron Caoili – Cornwall
6. Jonathan Subocz – Monroe Woodbury
7. Pedro Godines – Middletown
8. Dan Way – Beacon

145 Pounds
1. Jackson Merli – Newburgh Free Academy
2. Luke Greiner – Minisink Valley
3. Dominic Genarro – Washingtonville
4. Theo Ballantine – Cornwall
5. George Thomas – Wallkill
6. Andrew Sgambati – Middletown
7. Luke Posta – Warwick
8. Henry Villodas – Goshen

152 Pounds
1. Tyler Reed – Cornwall
2. Eric Tigue – Minisink Valley
3. Erik Nilson – Warwick
4. Ibrahim Aljamal – Washingtonville
5. Jason Cintron – Middletown
6. Marco Martini – Wallkill
7. Christian Hockx – Saugerties
8. Andrew Rick – Valley Central

160 Pounds
1. Zackary Ryder – Minisink Valley
2. George Racz – Minisink Valley
3. Anthony Manzi – Newburgh Free Academy
4. Devin Greer – Pine Bush|
5. Robert Liggio – Monroe Woodbury
6. Logan Serafin – Washingtonville
7. Jai Barnett – Wallkill
8. Jack Mazzella – Warwick

172 Pounds
1. Mikey Altomer – Minisink Valley
2. Mike Zrelack – Monroe Woodbury
3. Nick Cavallo – Cornwall
4. Johnny Accardo – Warwick
5. Chris Leggett – Newburgh
6. Hector Sanchez – FDR
7. Myles Gordon – Kingston
8. Jalen Charles – Middletown

189 Pounds
1. Andrew Filip – Minisink Valley
2. Joe Ponesse – Newburgh Free Academy
3. Braydon Pennell – Pine Bush
4. Max Winkler – Goshen
5. Nicholas York – Kingston
6. Craig Ladka – Monroe Woodbury
7. Dante Joseph – Goshen
8. Alex Khalil – Beacon

215 Pounds
1. Ethan Gallo – Minisink Valley
2. Justin Callahan – Washingtonville
3. Bryson Tibbs – Middletown
4. Louis DelBianco – Beacon
5. Jake McVey – Washingtonville
6. Gavin Furst – Cornwall
7. James Bucci – Saugerties
8. Fernand Vera – Middletown

285 Pounds
1. Stephan Monchery – Middletown
2. Dominick Siracusa – Goshen
3. Nick Valenzano – Cornwall
4. Saul Abrego – Pine Bush
5. Tyler Haydt – Beacon
6. Aiden DeEntremont – Goshen
7. Aiden Gove – Minisink Valley
8. Dan Jabbour – Monroe Woodbury

2022 JV Section 9 Championships

Congratulation to Middletown for winning the team title at the 2022 JV Section 9 Championships. The Middies crowned 3 champions and had 10 others place in the top 6. Minisink Valley crowned 5 champions and finished 2nd in the team race. Let’s take a look at the medal round results for all of the top 6 place winners in every weight class! Congratulations to all of our Section 9 wrestlers!

102 Pounds
Finals: Gabriel McNally (PB) wbf 3:20 Richard O’Lena (PJ)
3rd Place: Garrett Judd (War) dec 6-4 sv Anthony Noboa (Midd)
5th Place: Migue Nieves (Midd) dec 6-2 Jackson Miceli (War)

110 Pounds
Finals: Joseph Minnies (Gosh) dec 9-6 Justin Noboa (Midd)
3rd Place: Liam McCarthy (Wallkill) dec 8-2 Brayn Alzamora (PB)
5th Place: Cody Russman (PJ) maj 10-2 Vincent Garcia (Wash)

118 Pounds
Finals: Erik Martin Jr. (Midd) wbf 4:46 Daniel Aviles (Midd)
3rd Place: James Duffy (PB) wbf 3:05 Chase Porter (War)
5th Place: Brooke Tarshis (PB) wbf 2:47 John Naparano (Wall)

126 Pounds
Finals: Daniel Trojahn (PB) wbf 3:30 Cameron Lopez (Wall)
3rd Place: Ryen Nolley (Midd) wbf :50 Dylan Baisley (MW)
5th Place: Chris Becker (VC) wbf 2:00 Tanvir Singh (Gosh)

132 Pounds
Finals: Zach Filip (MV) wbf 3:12 Ivan Duran (NFA)
3rd Place: Jayce Goldberg (Wash) fft Anastasios Tzezialidis (War)
5th Place: Stonington Kizun (Corn) dec 7-2 Ray Weircorek (VC)

138 Pounds
Finals: Liam Holmes (MV) dec 4-1 Dan Weeden (Gosh)
3rd Place: Demisse Mazzetti (Wall) dec 10-4 Matt Rizzo (Wall)
5th Place: Michael O’Neill (War) wbf 1:15 Matthew Nonnan (MW)

145 Pounds
Finals: Nico Franco-Coelo (MV) dec 12-8 Mike Rosenblum (MW)
3rd Place: Zion Joseph (Midd) wbf 3:28 Justin Sanchez (MW)
5th Place: Mario Lam (Gosh) wbf 3:30 Danny Conklin (WV)

152 Pounds
Finals: Frankie Shaw (Burke) dec 11-6 Christian Bertuccio (MW)
3rd Place: Don Kunze (MV) dec 4-2 Owen Curreri (PJ)
5th Place: Matt Bond (VC) dec 6-1 Mekhi Joseph (VC)

160 Pounds
Finals: Quinten Morgan (MV) maj 11-3 Isaiah Grant (MW)
3rd Place: Daniel Noviski (Midd) wbf :25 Alex Lasalle (Wash)
5th Place: Brandon Lantos (Wall) wbf :39 Dan Farley (Corn)

172 Pounds
Finals: Anthony Dasilva (Wash) dec 6-5 Ricardo Ramos (Wash)
3rd Place: Jake Mazzie (Burke) dec 8-2 Christian Lemus (Wall)
5th Place: Jaeson Robinson (Midd) dec 7-6 Stanley Moldoch (Wash)

189 Pounds
Finals: Michael Lounsbury (MV) maj 10-1 Yahir Hernandez (Midd)
3rd Place: Joe Bacenet (War) wbf :55 Kayvon Haines (NFA)
5th Place: Dan Shapira (MW) wbf 1:45 Luis Rodas-Paz (MW)

215 Pounds
Finals: Robert Wilson (Midd) wbf 1:32 Declan Bernhardt (Gosh)
3rd Place: Brayden Davies (VC) wbf 1:46 Rhandy Fernandez (Midd)
5th Place: Jake Rooney (War) wbf 1:45 Alex Sakadelis (Wash)

285 Pounds
Finals: Rahmiere Bradley (Midd) dec 8-2 TJ Mancuso (MW)
3rd Place: Zachary Freedman (War) wbf 2:15 Terrell Carter (Gosh)
5th Place: Kevin Crow-Bailey (MV) wbf :58 Gregory Florin (PB)

Click below for full brackets

Section 9 Wrestling Championships – Schedules for Division 1, Division 2, and Girls Division

Division 1 Schedule

Friday February 11 – Monroe Woodbury HS – *Friday Tickets*
4:15 – Outbrackets (4 mats) – *Link to Day 1 Stream – Free*
5:15 – Round of 16 (3 mats)
7:00 – Quarterfinals (4 mats)
8:30 – Wrestlebacks {Quarterfinals losers} (4 mats)

Saturday February 12 – Monroe Woodbury HS – *Saturday Tickets*
11:00 – Semifinals (2 mats) – *Link to Day 2 Stream except Finals – Free*
1:45 – Consi Semifinals (3 mats)
3:30 – Consi Finals (3 mats)
5:15 – Introductions
5:30 – Finals (1 mat) – *Link to Finals Stream*
8:00 – True Second Matches (when needed)

Division 2 Schedule

Sunday February 13 – Liberty High School
11:15 – Outbrackets/Round of 16 (3 mats)
11:45 – Quarterfinals (3 mats)
1:15 – Semifinals (2 mats)
1:15 – Wrestlebacks {Quarterfinals losers} (1 mat…3 mats when semis conclude)
3:00 – Consi Semifinals (3 mats)
4:15 – Consi Finals (3 mats)
5:15 – Introductions
5:30 – Finals (1 mat) – *Link to Finals Stream*

Girls Division Schedule

Friday February 12 – Monroe Woodbury High School
5:00 – Semifinals (1 mat) – *Link for Stream – Free*
6:15 – Finals & Consi Finals (2 mats)

Week 10 Schedule and Results

Monday January 31, 2022

Onteora 48 Ellenville 24

Tuesday February 1, 2022

Minisink Valley 73 Monroe Woodbury 0
Middletown 36 Newburgh Free Academy 27
Highland 42 Red Hook 24
Cornwall Monticello
Valley Central 62 FDR 12

Wednesday February 2, 2022

Cornwall 34 Goshen 33
Warwick 48 Valley Central 21
Pine Bush 47 Kingston 14
Minisink Valley 76 FDR 0
Monroe Woodbury 45 Washingtonville 28
Saugerties @ Monticello
Onteora 72 Fallsburg/Tri-Valley 6
Red Hook 42 New Paltz 35
Highland 48 Rondout Valley 21
Ellenville 48 Burke 15
Chester 63 Liberty 6
Wallkill 62 Beacon 12

Thursday February 3, 2022

Pine Bush 45 New Paltz 21

Friday February 4, 2022

Highland Multi-Meet
Red Hook @ Onteora
Ellenville & Fallsburg @ Chester