Section 9 Individual Rankings # 3

S9sitelogoAll wrestlers now have an extra 2 pounds so many of them have made their cut….the question is will they stay there???  Rankings are supposed to get easier as the season progresses.  The results of the matches should basically dictate who gets ranked where.  For some reason, it’s not working out that way so far!  I spent more time on this ranking than any previous one.  Special thanks to my good friend Tim Monahan as well as a few other contributors who would prefer to remain anonymous.  Their opinions and insight are truly appreciated…plus it allows me to share the blame when people yell at me!!!  Enjoy!

wt             1st                                    2nd                                3rd                                   4th
99      Vinny Vespa (MW)              Chris Cuccolo (PB)               Kevin Kelly (MW)                Jamie Pulver (Saug)
106    Pedro Rosales (Midd)         Evan Barczak (MW)            Isiaah Gutierrez Vera (Midd)            Tyler Lynch (VC)
113    Johnny Stramiello (PB)      Austin Ingraham (High)     Dylan Booth (PJ)                  Gabe Campbell (VC)
120    Matt Rauch (RH)                PJ Smoot (MW)                     Eric Januszkiewicz(NP)     Da’mani Burns (NFA)
126    Mike Raccioppi (MV)         Joe Ginley (War)                   Alex Baum (MW)                Hussain Hasan (VC)
132    AJ Aeberli (War)                Bryan Mongiello (Wash)      Dan Storer (Corn)                Ryan Ferro (War)
138    Tom Wightman (War)       Mark Milisci (Wash)             Nick Truglio (MV)               Brett Johnson (Corn)
145    Ray Isales (Corn)                Evan Psathas (MW)              Frankie Hernandez(MV)    Alec Guevara (Wall)
152    Dan

Decarlo (PJ)                Drake Barczak (MW)            Dante Gianetta (Corn)        Tyler Carlyon (NFA)
160    Austin Weigel (Ont)          Travis Edwards (PJ)              JP Vandercliff (MW)            Quinn Zsido (Corn)
170    AJ Voelker (MW)               Kyle McGuire (NFA)             Tanner Sexton (PJ)               Nick Wentland (MV)
182    Connor Leavell (War)       Andy Martinez (Lib)              Robert Cuomo (Saug)          Randy Wislon (PJ)
195    Deon Edmond (King)        Dustim Mackenzie (Ont)      Michael Byrne (MV)             James Bethel (Saug)
220   Rob Kelly (MW)                  Alex Ortiz (Midd)                  Jesse Corcoran (Eld/Falls)  Josh Bonneau (MV)
285   Terrence Cheeks (NFA)     Tim Wade (Midd)                 Kevin Rivera (High)              Eden Lulanaj (Eld/Falls) 

Results 1/3

Monroe Woodbury Sr HS (MWSH) 43.0 Valley Central Sr HS (VCSH) 31.0
106: Evan Barczak, MWSH, pinned Tyler Lynch, VCSH, 3:34. 113: Gabriel Campbell, VCSH, dec. Jamie Panuto, MWSH, 4-0. 120: Paul Smoot, MWSH, maj. dec. Jimmy Clark, VCSH, 13-4. 126: Alex Baum, MWSH, dec. Hussain Hasan, VCSH, 6-2. 132: Osman Hasan, VCSH, pinned Angel Martinez, MWSH, 2:58. 138: Brandon Lewis, MWSH, dec. Erik Keenan, VCSH, 4-3. 145: Owen Perry, VCSH, maj. dec. Josh Cordero, MWSH, 8-0. 152: John Florio, VCSH, pinned Evan Psathas, MWSH, 3:58. 160: John Vandercliff, MWSH, forf. . 170: Andrew Voelker, MWSH, forf. . 182: Matthew Porter, VCSH, pinned Nick McShea, MWSH, 3:59. 195: Krajl Haxhaj, VCSH, pinned Anthony Freyre, MWSH, 3:47. 220: Rob Kelly, MWSH, pinned Matthew Deronda, VCSH, 0:14. 285: Tyler Vervalin, MWSH, dec. Jonathan Zambrano, VCSH, 8-2. 99: Vinny Vespa, MWSH, forf. .

Minisink Valley (MIVA) 47.0 Cornwall Sr HS (CSH) 21.0
99: Jarred Greiner, MIVA, dec. Gavin Mannion, CSH, 4-3. 106: Andrew Neidnig, MIVA, pinned Jose Guzman, CSH, 3:20. 113: Ryan Vizethan, CSH, dec. Austin Oldfield, MIVA, 4-2. 120: Matt Lopez, MIVA, pinned Anthony Torres, CSH, 1:36. 126: Mike Racciopi, MIVA, tech. fall Kevin Sharp, CSH, 0:00 16-1. 132: Dan Storer, CSH, dec. Chris Truglio, MIVA, 2-1. 138: Nick Truglio, MIVA, dec. Brett Johnson, CSH, 5-2. 145: Ray Isales, CSH, pinned Frankie Hernandez, MIVA, 1:26. 152: Dante Giannetta, CSH, pinned Chris Seymore, MIVA, 4:26. 160: Quinn Zsido, CSH, dec. Amon Gervais, MIVA, 8-7. 170: Nicholas Wentland (MIVA) sv-1 Luke Zsido (CSH) 11-9. 182: Luke Durland (MIVA) sv-1 Andrew Giese (CSH) 4-2. 195: Mike Byrne, MIVA, pinned Steven Fox, CSH, 5:20. 220: Kevin Santos, MIVA, forf. . 285: Josh Bonneau, MIVA, pinned Marc Gomez, CSH, 1:56.

Saugerties Sr HS (SSH) 36.0 Wallkill Sr HS (WSH) 35.0
120: Nick Sebesta, WSH, tech. fall Nicholas Skalla, SSH, 0:00 19-1. 126: John Lerczak, SSH, pinned Eddie Doering, WSH, 2:19. 132: Brandon Crespi, WSH, pinned Edward Latourette, SSH, 2:41. 138: Brian Bucci, SSH, pinned Tyler Owen, WSH, 2:48. 145: Alec Guevara, WSH, dec. Christopher Latourette, SSH, 6-3. 152: Tyler Blasko, WSH, pinned Jacob Demarest, SSH, 1:51. 160: Alexander Munoz, SSH, forf. . 170: Nathan Donah, SSH, dec. Michael Fekishazy, WSH, 3-2. 182: Robert Cuomo, SSH, pinned Garrett Betcher, WSH, 0:59. 195: James Bethel, SSH, pinned Joe Lamonica, WSH, 5:59. 220: Evan Longinott, WSH, pinned Morgan Mitchell, SSH, 3:21. 285: Brandon Mascaro, WSH, dec. Terrell Lawrence, SSH, 5-3. 99: double forfeit. 106: Logan Losito, WSH, pinned Jamie Pulver, SSH, 5:20. 113: Aaron Turner, SSH, dec. Ryan Gorman, WSH, 4-2.

Washingtonville Sr HS (WSH) 46.0 Pine Bush Sr HS (PBSH) 33.0
132: Bryan Mongiello, WSH, pinned Tim Blonde, PBSH, 1:06. 138: Mark Milisci, WSH, pinned Maximillian Marie, PBSH, 5:43. 145: Ryan Sause, PBSH, dec. Luke Harrison, WSH, 6-0. 152: Vincent Citriniti, PBSH, dec. Mohamed Shidid, WSH, 9-7. 160: Christopher Martin, WSH, pinned Michael Cartisano, PBSH, 1:44. 170: Bruce McLee, WSH, pinned Kimanio Fray, PBSH, 2:36. 182: Francesco Pichardo, WSH, pinned Michael Citriniti, PBSH, 1:38. 195: Thomas Braunius, PBSH, pinned Jeffrey Gonzalez, WSH, 5:30. 220: Samuel Weinger, WSH, forf. . 285: Stan Madurski, PBSH, forf. . 99: Christopher Cuccolo, PBSH, pinned Tyler Knox, WSH, 2:33. 106: Myles Bennett, PBSH, pinned Brandon Toledo, WSH, 0:46. 113: John Stramiello, PBSH, dec. Justin Clavell, WSH, 6-3. 120: Luis Andreakis, WSH, pinned Andrew Duchatellier, PBSH, 3:29. 126: Justin Guarno, WSH, maj. dec. Emig Bennett, PBSH, 19-7.

Red Hook 45  New Paltz 36
99—Taylor Benson (RH) pinned Eric McCord, 1:04.
106—Jake Kelly (RH) pinned Nick Sovosh, 3:12.
113—Anthony Tazin (NP) pinned Henry Tynes, 2:48.
120—Matt Rauch (RH) dec. Eric Januszkiewicz, 4-2.
126—Jon Torres (RH) dec. Ben Copper, 5-0.
132—Sean Cramsie (NP) pinned Drew Zerella, 5:17.
138—Aaron Barkstrom (RH) pinned Chris McCord, 4:53.
145—Leif Christensen (RH) dec. Cam Linman, 8-7.
152—Luis Garcia (RH) pined Miles W. Parr, :12.
160—Mike Rauch (RH) pinned Travis Wolfe, :50.
170—Steve Schwartz (NP) won by forfeit.
182—Dan Ducey (RH) pinned Jared Hinson, :45.
195—Whitman Regano (NP) pinned Darren Coon, 2:30.
220—Roy Grant (NP) won by forfeit.
285—Tom Tufano (NP) pinned Will Brammer, 5:05.

Port Jervis 35   Kingston 33
99    NO CONTEST 106  NO CONTEST 113  Dylan Booth (Port Jervis Sr HS) won by pin over Jacob Smith (Kingston Sr HS) 1:27. 120  Joseph Schaeffer (Kingston Sr HS) won by pin over Jarod Sauschuck (Port Jervis Sr HS) 5:50. 126  Isaac Goldowitz (Kingston Sr HS) won by decision over Alex Quick (Port Jervis Sr HS) 8-2. 132  Javeed Green (Kingston Sr HS) won by pin over Gary Lanterman (Port Jervis Sr HS) 1:36. 138 Hunter Curreri (Port Jervis Sr HS) won by decision over Dondre Nagasarsingh (Kingston) 11-4. 145  Ryan Fuller (Port Jervis Sr HS) won by forfeit 152  Dan DeCarlo (Port Jervis Sr HS) won by pin over Dwayne Richards (Kingston Sr HS) 1:39. 160  Travis Edwards (Port Jervis Sr HS) won by pin over Tyler Anderson (Kingston Sr HS) 1:32. 170 Tanner Sexton (Port Jervis Sr HS) won by major decision over Jacob Wood (Kingston Sr HS) 9-0. 182  Randy Wilson (Port Jervis Sr HS) won by major decision over Dylan Anderson (Kingston Sr HS) 10-0 195  Eliot Marzano (Kingston Sr HS) won by pin over Henry Schall (Port Jervis Sr HS) 1:31 220  Deon Edmond (Kingston Sr HS) won by pin over Joseph Bock (Port Jervis Sr HS) 1:30 285  Christian Gage (Kingston Sr HS) won by pin over Josh Obermeyer (Port Jervis Sr HS) 1:52.

Red Hook Sr HS (RHSH) 42.0 Eldred-Fallsburg Sr HS (EFSH) 30.0
145: Luis Garcia, RHSH, pinned Robert Andersen, EFSH, 0:34. 152: double forfeit. 160: Michael Rauch, RHSH, pinned Mantee Williams, EFSH, 0:56. 170: Carl Peterson-Langeland, EFSH, dec. Dan Ducey, RHSH, 9-8. 182: Colton Kelty, EFSH, pinned Darren Coon, RHSH, 1:21. 195: Tadeusz Loarca, EFSH, forf. . 220: Jesse Corcoran, EFSH, inj. def. Ben Zitz, RHSH, . 285: Edon Lulanaj, EFSH, pinned William Brammer, RHSH, 5:04. 99: double forfeit. 106: Jacob Kelly, RHSH, forf. . 113: Henry Tynes, RHSH, forf. . 120: Matthew Rauch, RHSH, forf. . 126: Jonathon Torres, RHSH, pinned Ernest Ramirez, EFSH, 0:53. 132: Aaron Barkstrom, RHSH, pinned Allenson Flores-Ramirez, EFSH, 1:43. 138: Adam Hurwitz, EFSH, dec. Leif Christensen, RHSH, 8-5

Results 1/3/13

 Individual Boxscores from Thursday 1/3/13

 Team Results:
Monroe Woodbury 43 Valley Central 31… Baum over H. Hasan, Porter by fall over McShea
Minisink Valley 47 Cornwall 21… Nick Truglio over Johnson, Storer over Chris Truglio
Saugerties 36 Wallkill 35…Turner’s victory lifts Saugerties
Washingtonville 46 PB 33… Milisci and Mongiello record pins; Stramiello over Clavell 6-3
Red Hook 45 New Paltz 36 … Rauch over Januszkiewicz 4-2 @ 120
Red Hook 42 Eldred Fallsburg 30 … Lulanaj wbf over Brammer
Port Jervis 35 Kingston 33
 * Congratulations to Travis Edwards for recording his 100th career victory*

Results 12/12/12

Red Hook Sr HS (RHSH) 36.0 Burke Catholic HS (BCH) 18.0
145: Miles Anthony, BCH, dec. Leif Christensen, RHSH, 3-2. 152: Anthony Depaoli, RHSH, pinned John Longo, BCH, 1:51. 160: double forfeit. 170: Michael Rauch, RHSH, pinned Joseph Tobin, BCH, 0:49. 182: Dan Ducey, RHSH, forf. . 195: Darren Coon, RHSH, forf. . 220: double forfeit. 285: Travis Coon, RHSH, forf. . 99: double forfeit. 106: Taylor Benson, RHSH, forf. . 113: Martin Nowak, BCH, pinned Henry Tynes, RHSH, 3:19. 120: Andrew Juliano, BCH, pinned Morgan Evans, RHSH, 0:51. 126: double forfeit. 132: double forfeit. 138: Philip Juliano, BCH, dec. Jonathon Torres, RHSH, 6-4.

Results 12/19/12

Red Hook Sr HS (RHSH) 56.0 Ellenville HS (ELHS) 24.0
99: double forfeit. 106: Taylor Benson, RHSH, forf. . 113: Jonathan Candelaria, ELHS, pinned Henry Tynes, RHSH, 1:15. 120: Malik Jeter, ELHS, forf. . 126: Matthew Rauch, RHSH, pinned Miguel Candelaria, ELHS, 3:58. 132: Aaron Barkstrom, RHSH, pinned Zachariah Babcock, ELHS, 0:56. 138: Jonathon Torres, RHSH, maj. dec. Greg Avery, ELHS, 9-0. 145: Leif Christensen, RHSH, pinned David Lonstein, ELHS, 3:59. 152: Tyler Albert, ELHS, forf. . 160: Anthony Depaoli, RHSH, maj. dec. Chris Maerling, ELHS, 20-6. 170: Michael Rauch, RHSH, pinned Javier Cortes, ELHS, 3:36. 182: Kyle Conner, ELHS, pinned Dan Ducey, RHSH, 1:45. 195: Darren Coon, RHSH, pinned Eric Cox, ELHS, 2:29. 220: Ben Zitz, RHSH, pinned Preston Gibson, ELHS, 5:04. 285: William Brammer, RHSH, pinned Garth Joseph, ELHS, 1:07.

Red Hook Sr HS (RHSH) 40.0 Chester Sr HS (CSH) 21.0
285: Christopher Wittekind, CSH, pinned William Brammer, RHSH, 1:24. 99: double forfeit. 106: Taylor Benson, RHSH, pinned Sean McGing, CSH, 1:24. 113: Elijah Tuchman, CSH, dec. Jacob Kelly, RHSH, 12-11. 120: Brody Harris, CSH, pinned Henry Tynes, RHSH, 3:49. 126: Matthew Rauch, RHSH, pinned Franchesco Abdalla, CSH, 1:22. 132: Aaron Barkstrom, RHSH, maj. dec. Brandon Long, CSH, 9-1. 138: double forfeit. 145: Luis Garcia, RHSH, forf. . 152: Anthony Depaoli, RHSH, pinned Kyle Pacheco, CSH, 2:39. 160: Philip Rivera, CSH, forf. . 170: double forfeit. 182: Dan Ducey, RHSH, forf. . 195: double forfeit. 220: Will Kristopik, RHSH, forf. .

Team State Rankings # 1

NYSPHSAA logoNYSSA wrestling editor Glen Irving has released the Team Rankings #1 for the 2012 – 2013 season.  I am proud to announce that Section 9 has two teams in the top 10 of the large school division (D1)!  Monroe Woodbury currently sits as the 5th ranked large school in NYS while Minisink Valley shares the 10th spot with Shenendehowa and Islip.

Division 1                                 Division 2
1. Wantagh – 8                            1. Midlakes – 5
2. Rocky Point – 11                     2. Peru – 7
3. Sachem East – 11                    3. General Brown – 3
4. North Rockland – 1                4. Warsaw – 5
5. Monroe Woodbury – 9          5. Phoenix – 3
6. Sachem – 11                             6. Locust Valley – 8
7. Fairport – 5                              7. South Jefferson – 3
8. Columbia – 2                           8. Lewiston Porter – 6
9. Burnt Hills – 2                         9. Fredonia – 6
10. Islip – 11                                  10. Pal-Mac – 5
tie Shenendehowa – 2                tie  Northern AC – 7
tie Minisink Valley – 9               tie  Bayport BP – 11

Honorable Mention:  Commack-11, Union Endicott-4, Spencerport-5, MacArthur-8, Penfield-5, Clarence-6, Johnson City-4, Brockport-5, Hilton-5, Lockport-6, Kenwore West-6, Fulton-3, Amsterdam-2, Baldwinsville-3, Saranac-7, Falconer-6, Salen-2, Duanesburg-2, Holland Patent – 3, Greene-4, Canastota-3, Brentwood-11, Shoreham Wading River-11, Londwood-11, Connetquot-11, St. Anthony’s – C, Saratoga-2, Queensbury-2

2013 Eastern States Classic

FriendS9 LogoJust a quick reminder that the 2013 Eastern States Classic, brought to you by the Friends of Section 9, is less than two weeks away.  The event, now recognized as one of the most competitive high school wrestling tournaments in the nation, is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, January 11th and 12th, at SUNY Sullivan in Loch Sheldrake NY.

This year’s Classic will be as competitive as ever!  As of this moment, 114 teams will be represented including teams from NY, CT, MA, and VA.  Our preliminary list of entries includes 81 former state place winners and 13 former state champions!

Check back next week for ‘s tournament preview!

NYS Individual State Rankings

S9sitelogoWith holiday tournaments behind us, and the Eastern States Classic only two weeks away, what better time than now to release the first edition of the NYS Individual Rankings.  Like last year, D1 and D2 will be combined.

Please keep in mind that these rankings are only the opinions of a few people who collaborated on this project.  They are meant to be fun and to create conversation.  The mission of this and other wrestling websites is rather simple…we love the sport and we are trying to promote it in a positive manner.  Please keep this in mind when critiquing these rankings.  Without further ado, here are the rankings.  Enjoy!
Special thanks to Betsy Veysman from for all of her help!!!

collage99 pounds
1.  Yianni Diakomihalis – Hilton – 5

2.  Vito Arujau – Syosset – 8
3.  Jesse Dellavecchia – East Islip – 11
4.  Peter Pappas – Plainview – 8
5.  Ryan Hetrick – Southwestern – 6
6.  John Arceri – Huntington – 11
7.  John Busiello – Eastport South Manor – 11
8.  Vinny Vespa – Monroe Woodbury – 9

106 pounds
1.  Alex Tanzman – Westhampton – 11
2.  Jimmy Overhiser – Corning – 4
3.  Tony Recco – Lyndonville – 5
4.  Andrew Flanagan – Holley – 5
5.  Kyle Quinn – Wantagh – 8
6.  Jake Yankloski – Wayne – 5
7.  Jonathan Haas – Spencerport – 5
8.  Steven Lee – West Babylon – 11

3X Section 9 Champion Johnny Stramiello

113 pounds
1.  Nick Piccininni – Ward Melville – 11
2.  Kyle Kelly – Chenango Forks – 4
3.  Anthony Orefice – Lockport – 6
4.  Bryan Lantry – Wayne – 5
5.  Dillon Stowell – Gouverneur – 10
6.  Nick Barbaria New Rochelle – 1
7.  Johnny Stramiello – Pine Bush – 9
8.  Cheick Ndayie – Brooklyn International – PSAL

120 pounds
1.  Robert Person – Bellmore JFK – 8 
2.  Rocco Russo – Frontier – 6
3.  Steve Michel – Lancaster – 6
4.  Mike D’Angelo – Commack – 11
5.  Sean Peacock – Midlakes – 5
6.  Trey Aslanian – Edgemont – 1
7.  Kellen Devlin – Amherst – 6
8.  John Muldoon – Pearl River – 1

2011-2012 State Champion Dylan Realbuto
2011-2012 State Champion Dylan Realbuto

126 pounds
1.  Dylan Realbuto – Somers – 1
2.  TJ Fabian – Shoreham Wading River – 11
3.  Chris Araoz – Wantagh – 8
4.  Corey Jamison – Huntington – 11
5.  William Koll – Lansing – 4
6.  Blake Retell – Shaker – 2
7.  Dakota Gardner – Fredonia – 6
8.  Antonio DeLuco – Rome – 3

132 pounds
1.  Renaldo Rodriguez Spencer – Cheektowoga – 6
2.  Matt Leshinger – Sayville – 11
3.  Tristan Rifanburg – Norwich – 4
4.  Sam Melikian – Fordham – CHSAA
5.  Cody McGregor – Tonawanda – 6
6.  Brandon Lapi – Amsterdam – 2
7.  Vinny Turano – Wantagh – 8
8.  Ben Ettlinger – Fox Lane – 1

Kelley Shen
Shenendehowa’s Nick Kelley

138 ponds
1.  Nick Kelley – Shenendehowa – 2
2.  Nick Tighe – Phoenix – 3
3.  Connor Lapresi – Lansing – 4
4.  Tommy Dutton Rocky Point – 11
5.  Vincent Deprez – Hilton – 5
6.  Eric Lewandowski – Lancaster – 6
7.  Codie Gillette – Saranac – 7
8.  Derrick Gray – Indian River – 3

145 pounds
1.  David Almaviva – Shenendehowa – 2
2.  Louis Hernandez – Mepham – 8
3.  Isaiah Riccio – Beaver River – 3
4.  Dan Reagan – Lewiston Porter – 6
5.  Jude Gardner – Fredonia – 6
6.  Joey Butler – Burnt Hills – 2
7.  Jackson Mordente – Sachem East – 11
8.  Colby Kash – Clarkstown North – 1

Onteora’s Austin Weigel

152 pounds
1.  Corey Rasheed – Longwood – 11
2.  Tom Grippi – Fox Lane – 1
3.  Drew Hull – Royal Hartland – 6
4.  Angelo Kress – Columbia – 2
5.  Tyler Spann – Adirondack – 3
6.  Chris Koo – Great Neck – 8
7.  Rowdy Prior – Phoenix – 3
8.  Kyle Halliday – Chenango Valley – 4


160 pounds

Could we see a Paddock (pictured) vs. Grimaldi 160 lb. final at the Eastern States Classic?
Could we see a Paddock (pictured) vs. Grimaldi 160 lb. final at the Eastern States Classic?

1.  Tyler Grimaldi – Half Hollow Hills West – 11
2.  Burke Paddock – Warsaw – 5
3.  Brendan Goldup – LaSalle – 2
4.  Jake Weber – Clarence – 6
5.  Mike Beckwith – Greene – 4
6.  Tyler Silverthorn – General Brown – 3
7.  Nick Gallo – Schalmont – 2 
8.  Austin Weigel – Onteora – 9

170 pounds
1.  Troy Seymour – Peru – 7
2.  Dan McDevitt – Wantagh – 8
3.  Carlos Toribio – Brentwood – 11
4.  Zack Buckley – Fredonia – 6
5.  Christian Dietrich – Greene – 4
6.  Johnny Vrasidas – St. Anthony’s – CHSAA
7.  Joe Piccolo – HHHW – 11
8.  Andrew Voelker – Monroe Woodbury – 9

Monroe Woodbury 170 pound wrestler AJ Voelker
Monroe Woodbury 170 pound wrestler AJ Voelker

182 pounds
1.  Zack Zupan – Canastota – 3
2.  Shayne Brady – Carthage – 3
3.  Tim Schaefer – Warsaw – 5
4.  James Corbett – Wantagh – 8
5.  James Benjamin – Vestal – 4
6.  Trent Egenlauf – Spencerport – 5
7.  Gio Santiago – Sachem North – 11
8.  Levi Ashley – Shenendehowa – 2


Zack Zupan of Canastota is nationally ranked!

195 pounds
1.  Reggie Williams – Johnson City – 4
2.  Bryce Mazurowski Avon – 5
3.  Dan Choi – Syosset – 8
4.  Tyler Smith Midlakes – 5
5.  Colton Kells – Fairport – 5
6.  Tyler Morris – Salem – 2
7.  Colin Pittman – Spencerport – 5
8.  Nick Weber – Kings Park – 11


220 pounds

Hornell's Zack Bacon has earned a national ranking at 220
Hornell’s Zack Bacon has earned a national ranking at 220

1.  Zack Bacon – Hornell – 5
2.  Ryan Wolcott – Waverly – 4
3.  Mike Silvis – Holley – 5
4.  Nick Lupi – Huntington – 11
5.  Dan Breit – Nanuet – 1
6.  Chris Saden – Fredonia – 6
7.  Joe Sprung – Berne Knox Waterloo – 2
8.  Richard Sisti – Monsignor Farrell – CHSAA

285 pounds
1.  El Shaddai VanHoesen – Columbia – 2
2.  Michael Hughes – Smithtown West – 11
3.  Matt Montesanti – Medina – 6
4.  Alex Soutiere Ravena – 2
5.  Brandon Fayle – Loweville – 3
6.  James O’Hagan – Seaford – 8
7.  David Varian – Yorktown – 1
8.  Anthony Puca – Huntington – 11

Massapequa Holiday Tournament

Massapequa Holiday Tournament
December 28, 2012

Team Scores
1. Connetquot 263.5

2. Monroe-Woodbury 215 – Sec 9
3. Hauppauge 201.5
4. Pittsford 175.5 – Sec 5
5. Long Beach 120.5
6. Massapequa 100
7. Bethpage 58
8. Division 54
9. Great Neck South

Championship Finals
  99 – Vinny Vespa (MW) dec. Kevin Kelly
(MW), 2-0
106 – Evan Barzcack (MW) dec. Aleksei Cartagena (Pitt) 3-2
113 – Steven Sewkumar (LB) dec. Eddie hart (Con) 10-3 TB
120 – Steven Bulzomi (Con) dec. Austin Munro (Haup) 1-0
126 – Mark West (Haup) pinned Angel Martinez (MW) 3:20
132 – Gino Titone (Con) pinned Brandon Lewis (MW) 5:12
138 – Greg Chery (Con) dec. Francisco Bisono (Haup) 7-3
145 – Brendan Dent (Con) dec. Jacob Pincus (Pitt) 10-4
152 – Chris Koo (GNS) TF Steve Schmit (Con) 20-5 4:36
160 – JP Vandercliff (MW) dec. Charles Bachmeier (Beth) 7-2
170 – AJ Voelker (MW) md. Tim Schweitzer (Div) 13-0
182 – Chad Howard (Pitt) dec. Dom Holder (Haup) 1-0
195 – Zamarr Allen (LB) TF Nick Marcinek (Con) 5:00
220 – Tyler Schaefer (Pitt) dec. Rob Kelly (MW) 5-2
285 – Tim Gungor (mass) pinned Giusepe Calabrese (Haup) 1:55
Most Outstanding Wrestler:
Chris Koo (Great Neck South, 152)
Most pins least Time: JP Vandercliff
(Monroe-Woodbury, 160), 3 in 3:58
Consolation Finals
99 – Matt Maquet (LB) def. Sean Miller (Con) by FFT (5 match rule)
106 – Alan Teemer (LB) pinned John Kalinoglu (Mass) 2:21
113 – Tom Maguffin (Div) pinned Jaeman Connelly (LB) 0:42
120 – Jeff Gould (Pitt) pinned PJ Smoot (MW) 4:54
126 – Ralph Cazzetta (Haup) md. Francis Alexander (Div) 9-1
132 – Chris Mauriello (Haup) md. Jake Einbinder (Beth) 10-2
138 – Connor Kelly (Haup) def. Chase Doran (Pitt) by FFT (5 match rule)
145 – Lucas Govert (Pitt) def. Chris Broccoli (Mass) by FFT
152 – Allon Avgi (Con) md. Harrison Hider (Pitt) 9-1
160 – Nick Mastro (Con) dec. Seungsoo Im (Haup) 5-2
170 – Rob Klotz (Pitt) dec. Sean Maher (Con) 9-5
182 – Nick McShea (MW) dec. Chris Beal (Con) 5-4
195 – Alex Restrepo (Mass) dec. Mike Dibenedeto (Mass) 4-3
220 – Anthony Carrello (Beth) dec. Tim Duerr (Mass) 3-1
285 – Alex Cesare (Con) pinned James Louison (Haup) 1:31

Holiday Tournaments will keep you up-to-date on all of the Holiday Tournaments which have local teams entered in them.  Any results or note-worthy outcomes are welcomed via email to

BECAHI Holiday Tournament
Port Jervis grapplers Dylan Booth (113) and Travis Edwards (160) have both reached the semifinal round of the Bethlehem Catholic High Holiday Tournament!!!   Tanner Sexton (170), Randy Wilson (182), and Josh Obermeyer (285) are still alive in wrestlebacks.

Update….Travis Edwards is in the finals at BECAHI…stay tuned!!!!
Update… Port took 8th as a team…Edwards 2nd @ 160, Booth 3rd @ 113!!!

Somers Tournament
Middletown finished 2nd as a team and crowned two individual champs.  Pedro Rosales finished on top of the 106 pound weight class and Alex Ortiz was the 220 pound champ.

Mid-Hudson Tournament in Arlington
Section 9 wrestlers took home titles in 4 weight classes at Friday’s Mid-Hudson Tournament at Arlington HS.  Pine Bush juniors Chris Cuccolo and Johnny Stramiello won their weights at 99 and 113 respectively.  Onteora senior Austin Weigel pinned his way through the tournament in winning the 160 pound title, and Kyle McGuire of NFA was crowned champion at 170.  Several Section 9 wrestlers took second place honors including Tyler Lynch (VC, 106),  Gabe Campbell (VC, 113), Da’mani Burns (NFA, 120), Javeed Green (Kingston, 132), Brett Johnson (Cornwall, 138), Ray Isales (Cornwall, 145), Tyler Blasko (Wallkill, 152), Jake Wood (Kingston, 170), Dylan Anderson (Kingston, 182), Dustin MacKenzie (Onteora, 195), and Terrence Cheeks (NFA, 285).

Click  2012 Mid Hudson Pools With Bracket Results for complete results!

Windsor Holiday Tournament
Liberty’s Andy Martinez, who finished 6th in NYS at D2 182 last year, lost a 4-0 decision to Mike Beers of Walton at 182 in the finals of the Windsor Holiday Tournament. In the marquee matchup of the night, Huntington’s Corey Jamison defeated William Koll of Lansing by a 3-1 margin in the 126 pound final.

Massapequa Holiday Tournament
Monroe Woodbury finished second in the team race and crowned 4 individual champions at Friday’s Massapequa Holiday Tournament.  Tournament winners for the Crusaders were Vinny Vespa (99), Evan Barczak (106), JP Vandercliff (160), and AJ Voelker (170).  Other finalists for Monroe Woodbury included Kevin Kelly (99), Angel Martinez (126), Brandon Lewis (132), and Rob Kelley (220).

Click here for individual results and team scores.

Pearl River Tournament
Warwick crowned three champions and finished 2nd as a team behind North Rockland.  Wildcat champions were AJ Aeberli (132), Thomas Wightman (138), and Connor Leavell (195). 

Five Warriors place 4th at the Cougar Classic in NJ
Michael Raccioppi (126), Chris Truglio (132), Nick Truglio (138), Nick Wentland (170), and Josh Bonneau (220) all finished in 4th place at the very tough Cougar Classic Tournament held a Kittatinny Regional High School in Newton, NJ.  Minisink, competing without 5 regular starters, finished 5th in the team race.

Highlights From Around the State
Jamison (Huntington, S11) dec Koll (Lansing, S4) 3-1 @ 126
Orefice (Lockport, S6) dec Stowell (Gouvernor, S10) 7-1 @ 113
Kelley (Shenendehowa, S2) wbf Lewandowski (Lancaster, S6) @ 138
Walcott (Waverly, S4) dec Lupi (Huntington, S11) 2-1 @ 220

Bonus Coverage….POWERade Tournament
I may also throw in an occasional update from The POWERade Tournament in PA.  The POWERade is one of the 5 toughest HS tournaments in the US and could provide wrestling fans with a much anticipated showdown between Chance Marsteller and Cody Weircioch in the 170 pound final.  Chance and Cody are ranked #1 and #2 respectively in every national HS ranking publication.  Marsteller has never lost a HS wrestling match!

Update:   Marsteller and Weircioch still on a crash course…more to follow…