Finals Webcast; Updated Brackets has provided a link to updated brackets.  We are also providing a link to a webcast being provided by The Friends of Section 3.  Yours truly will be serving as one of the D1 commentators. 

                                                                    Live Webcast

                                      Division 1 Brackets                       Division 2 Brackets

Section 9 Medal Match Results:
106: Orefice (6) dec Stramiello (9) 12-0   Stramiello places 6th
113:  Person (8) dec Kreider (9)  7-3   Kreider takes 6th
120:  Corradino (9) by fft over Michel (6)   Corradino takes 5th
152: Sommer (9) dec Newton (5)     Sommer takes 5th
152: Maier (5) dec Bedross (9) 5-4     Bedross takes 4th
182: Koelmel (3) fft over Martinez (9)   Martinez takes 6th
285: Lampman (2) dec Stanley (9) 3-1   Stanley takes 4th


Corradino, Stanley, and Martinez in Semis

Warwick’s Justin Corradino knocked of top-seeded Matt Leshinger of S11 by a 6-1 margin to advance to the semifinal round of the NYS Wrestling Championships.  Fellow Section 9 wrestlers Ethan Stanley and Andy Martinez have also made it to the semis.  Stanley, a senior from Saugerties, needed to go to overtime to defeat Dante Salkey of Section 8 in their 285 lb tilt. On the Division 2 side, Liberty’s Andy Martinez was illegally slammed by his opponent in their 182 quarterfinal and was not able to continue.  He should be able to compete in tomorrow morning’s semifinal round.

Below are the updated bracket’s from the tournament as well as a list of all of the Section 9 wrestlers who are still alive in the tourney.  Wrestling begins at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow with the semifinal round and wrestle-backs occurring simultaneously.  Finals will begin at 6:00 p.m.
                                       Division 1 Brackets                       Division 2 Brackets
D1 Wrestlers:
semis:     120 Justin Corradino (Warwick) vs Brady Baron (S5)
                 285 Ethan Stanley (Saugerties) vs Evan Kappatos (S8)
consies:  106 Johnny Stramiello (Pine Bush) vs Dominic Inzana (S2)
                 113 TJ Krieder (Cornwall) vs Corey Jamison (S11)
                 138 Shane Connolly (Warwick) vs David Almaviva (S2) 
                 145 Kyle Wierzbicki (Warwick) vs Dale White (S1)
                 145 Bret Sauschuck (Port Jervis) vs Anthony Pistone (S11)
                 152 Ryan Bedross (Warwick) vs Angelo Kress (S2)
                 160 Dan DeCarlo (Port Jervis) vs. Matt Pasqualini (S1)
                 195 Deon Edmond (Kingston) vs. Jake Kelly (S6)

D2 Wrestlers: 
semis:      182 Andy Martinez (Liberty) vs. Tony Lock (S6)
consies:   106 Austin Ingraham (Highland) vs Corey Hollister (S5)
                 152 Paul Sommer (Rondout Valley) vs Connor Fox (S5)
                 160 Austin Weigel (Onteora) vs Hayden Wagner (S5)

Wrestlebacks Still Going….Updated Brackets

                            Divison 1 Brackets                 Division 2 Brackets


Section 9 D1 wrestleback results:

Second Round Wrestlebacks:
Calderone (11) over Daly (MV) 8-5
Stramiello (PB) over Raccioppi (MV) 4-2
Krieder (Cornwall) over Curatolo (P)
Greene (2) wbf over Murphy (MW)
Connolly (Warwick) dec over McCann (C) 3-0
Ventura (1) over Roth (Cornwall) 9-0
Wierzbicki (Warwick) over Matouzzi (C) 5-1
Bedross (Warwick) wbf over Foote (10)
Sauschuck (PJ) over Northrup (5) 4-2 ot
Kimmerli (5) wbf over Casey (Washingtonville)
DeCarlo (Port Jervis) wins by forfeit
Edmond (King) over Spinelli (1) 8-5
Lupi (11) over Leavell (Warwick) 6-3
Kells (5) over Gorelov (Warwick) 5-2

First Round Wrestlebacks:
Haas (5) wbf  over Vespa (MW)
Raccioppi (MV) dec over Peters (5)
Murphy (MW) dec over Gannonne (P)
Roth (Corn) dec over Morgan (2)
Sauschuck (Port) dec Roman (5)
Bedross (Warwick) dec over Tracey (8)
Casey (Washingtonville) over Smith (10)
Roberts (C) over Sannella (MV) 8-3
Choi (8) over Hasan (Valley Central) 6-2
Edmund (Kingston) over Malone (10) 14-2
Leavell (Warwick) over Widener (10) tf 16-0
Hughes (11) over Stauble (Kingston) 2-1 ot


Quarterfinals Have Started

Martinez from Liberty advances to D2 semis at 182!!!

285 D1:
Stanley (Saugerties) over Salkey (8)
Shaddai Gilmore (2) over DeBuyser (5) 3-2

220 D1:
Lackey (5) over Rubino (11) 5-1
Kopcynski (C) over Babson (2) 5-1
Dalton (3) over Lupi (11) 7-5 ot
Antone (6) over Lilly (1) wbf 

195 D1:
Fusco (2) over Zorn (8) 15-3
Connor (11) over Gorelov (Warwick) 10-1
Kozub (5) over Spinelli (1) 3-1
Williams (4) over Kelley (6) 7-3

182 D1:
Richards (P) over Benjamin (4)
Bellanza (11) over Lashway (2) 8-6
Jones (8) over Santiago (11) 

170 D1:
Spurgeon (8) over Sabella (1) wbf
Seybolt (11) over Ndjokaj (C) 8-4
Brady (3) over Libertore (6) 5-2
Lumley (2) over Kimmerli (5) 2-1

UPSET ALERT…Paddock loses in quarters to Seymour utb

160 D1:
Palacio (8) over Colgan (4) 13-2
Affronti (5) over Sutton (2) 4-1
Grimaldi (11) over Woodworth (3) 10-5
Mullen (11) over Cataldo (8)

152 D1:
Realbuto (1) over Falzone (6) tf 22-6
Maier (5) over Foote (10) wbf
Hall (11) over Szilagyi (C) 5-2
Keck (11) over Masaya (P) 3-2

145 D1:
Wallace (2) over Northrup (5) ot
Kloc (6) over Romagnoli (3) 14-11
Rasheed (11) over Wierzbicki (Warwick)  11-2
Caputo (1) over White (1) 9-7

138 D1:
McDevitt (8) over Rodriquez (P) 4-2
Dekrone (11) over Grippi (1) 16-2
Rasheed (11) over Connolly (Warwick) 5-3
Blanco (11) over Feeney (6) 5-2

132 D1:
Cegelski (5) over Porteus (5) 3-1
Cohen (6) over Ventura (1) 9-5
Kelley (2) over Mauriello (11) 5-0
Hudson (C) over Lewandowski (6) tf 17-2

126 D1:
Dierna (5) over Melikian (C) 14-5
Speno (1) over Perry (10) tf 19-4
Passaro (11) over Greene (2) 7-1
Lofrese (8) over Caruana (6) 6-4 

120 D1:
Baron (5) over Gray (3) tf
McCabe (11) over Fabian (11) 5-4
Corradino (Warwick) over Leshinger (11) 6-1
Michel (6) over Russo (6) tf 15-0

113 D1:
Deprez (5) over Kreider (Cornwall) 5-1
Person (8) over Duguay (6) 4-2 ot
Realbuto (1) over Green (4) 6-4
Lapi (2) over DeLaCruz (1) 5-2

99 D1:
Rodriguez (8) over Daly (MV) tf 16-0
Kelly (4) over King (3) 4-0
Tanzman (11) over Lee (11) wbf
Barbaria (1) over Lantry (5) 2-1

106 D1:
Cooksey (8) over Overhiser (4) wbf
Piccininni (11) over Stramiello (Pine Bush) 8-0
Sewumar (8) over Marshall (10) 1-0
Orefice (6) over Dunau (C) 8-6

Up To Date Results – Prelims


285 D1:
Bayer (4) over Hughes (11)
Stanley (Saugerties) over Lanthrop (6)
Kappatos (8) over Stauble (Kingston)
Salkey (8) over Terrance (10)
Lampmann (2) over DiPirro (C)
DeBuyser (5) over Quintana (2)
Gonzalez (P) over Varian (1)
Shaddai (2) over Marsh (3)

220 D1:
Rubino (11) over Cole (8)
Kopcnyski (P) over Leavell (Warwick)
Babson (2) over Weidner (10)
Lilly (1) over Pontiff (2)
Antone (6) over Osman (4)
Lackey (5) over Burgos (4)
Lupi (11) over DeVita (1)
Dalton (3) over Auriemma (C)

195 D1:
Gorelov (Warwick) over Malone (10)
Spinelli (1) over Kells (5)
Fusco (2) over Rodriguez (6)
Kozub (5) over Kokkorsos (P)
Zorn (8) over Sisti (C)
Kelly (6) over Nasoni (3)
Williams (4) over Kelly (11)
Conner (11) over Edmond (Kingston)

182 D1:
Benjamin (4) over Luxmore (8)
Richards (P) over Cook (3)
Reed (5) over Bickelman (6)
Ballenza (11) over Roberts (C)
Jones (8) over Hasan (9)
Santiago (11) over Choi (8)
Berkowitz(1) over Carter (5)
Lashway (2) over Sannella (MV)

182 D2:
Martinez (Liberty) over Morris (2)
170 D1:
Sabella (1) over Franco (4)
Spurgeon (8) over Hewitt (2)
Kimmerli (5) over DiFrancesco (6)
Brady (3) over Casey (Washingtonville)
Liberatore (6) over Smith (10)
Lumley (2) over Mesiti (5)
Seybolt (11) over Gullo (6)
Ndokaj (C) over Anchako (P)

160 D1:
Palacio (8) over Garrison (2)
Cataldo(8) over Dominque (10)
Sutton (2) over DeCarlo (Port)
Affronti (5) over Catalano (6)
Woodworth (3) over Vrsiadas (C)
Colgan (4) wbf over Pasqualini (1)
Mullen (11) over Jiminez (P)
Grimaldi (11) over Weber (6)

152 D1:
Keck (11) over Tracey (8)
Steve Maier (5) over Skiba (6)
Foote (10) over Josh Maier (5)
Falzone (6) over Torrese (3)
Hall (11) over Kress (2)
Masaya (P) over Bedross (Warwick)
Szilagyi (C) over Kleinsmith (4)
Realbuto (1) wins

145 D1:
Ramognoli (3) Aliyed (P)
Kloc (6) over Matouzzi (C)
Wallace (2) over Lupo (4)
Caputo (1) over Roman (5)
Northrup (5) over Hernandez (8)
Rasheed (11) over Spinner (10)
White (1) over Sauschuck (Port Jervis)
Wierzbicki (Warwick) over Pistone (11)

138 D1:
Grippi (1) over Almaviva (2)
McDevitt (8) over McCann (c)
Rodriquez (P) over DeAngelis (5)
Feeney (6) over Stapleton (10)
Dekrone (11) over Benedict (3)
Blanco (11) over Hoffmier (4)
Connolly (Warwick) over Roberts (6)
Rasheed (11) over Wallace (3) 

132 D1:
Cohen (6) over Kaharamonov (P)
Lewandowski (6) over Irby (8)
Cegelski (5) over Butler (2)
Porteus (5) over Grome (3)
Hudson (c) over Grant (4)
Mauriello (11) over Morgan (2)
Ventura (1) over Barney (10)
Kelley (2) over Roth (Cornwall)


126 D1:
Melikian (c) over St. John (2)
Dierna (5) over Deluco (3)
Perry (10) over Gannone (P)
Speno (1) over Murphy (MW)
Caruana (6) over Post (4)
Greene (2) over Sanchez (11)
Lofrese (8) over Caputo (1)
Passaro (11) over Oligney (2)

120 D1:
Corradino (Warwick) over Burke (S4)
Gray (3) wbf over  Bond (10)
Baron (5) over Rofo (C)
Leshinger (11) over Lanzillotti (8) in OT!!
Thompson (P) over Russo (6)
McCabe (11) over Jones (2)
Fabian (11) over Joseph (2)
Michel (6) over Dimarsico (1)

120 D2:
Olena (5)over Januszeiwicz (New Paltz)
113 D2:
Koll (4) over McNulty (Red Hook)

113 D1:  Duguay (6) over Raghunandan (11) !!!!
               Krieder (Cornwall) over Cameron (10)
               DePrez (5) over Skinner (c)
              Realbuto (1) over Hill (3)
              Person (8) wbf over Devlin (6)
              Delacruz (1) over Porter (2) 4-1
              Lapi (2) over Caratolo (P)
              Green (4) over Jamison (11)             

106 D1:  Piccininni (S11) wbf over Ruggeri (S5)
                Dunau (C) wbf over Parise (S1)
                Stramiello advances..Ali (S2) out
                Orefice (6) over Htoo (P) 
                Sewkumar (8) over Inzana (2)
               Marshall (10) over Paul (3)
               Overhise (4) over Peters (5)
               Cooksey (8) over Raccioppi (MV)

106 D2:  Merecki (S2) over Ingraham (Highland) 4-0

99 D1:  Kelly (S4) over Hartinger S6)
              King (S3) over Brown (S10) TF  17-1
              Barberia (S1) over Calderone (S11) 6-3
             Lantry (S5) over Twomey (c)  
             Rodriguez (S8) wbf over Antoine (P)
             Daly (Minisink) wbtf over Parker (S2)
             Tanzman (s11) wbf over Vespa (MW)
             Lee (S11) over Haas (S5) 3-2

99D2:  Casella (S8) wbf over Stanton from Tuxedo

Live Updates From Albany!

NYS WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIPS will, of course, be attending the NYS Wrestling Championships Friday and Saturday at the Times Union Center in Albany, NY.  From my seat on press row, I will be providing as many individual bout results as possible.  Due to my location in the arena (D1 side), it will be difficult to provide comprehensive results for both divisions, but I will due my absolute best.  As updated brackets are make available, I will post them as well.  Good luck to all of our Section 9 wrestlers…..go for it!!! NYS Tournament Preview…Parts 1&2

The “big dance” is right around the corner.  This weekend 480 student-athletes will storm the Times Union Center in Albany, NY with a common goal….to be crowned NYS Champion!  Wrestling will begin on Friday at 10:00 a.m. and will continue through Saturday evening’s finals.  For a complete schedule, go to
For once, treacherous weather will not be an issue!!!  The brackets are set and available below. has put together a tournament preview for both D1 and D2.  Enjoy! 

                                                    2012 NYS Tournament Preview (99-145)
                                            2012 NYS Tournament Preview Part 2  (152-285)

                                    Division 1 Brackets                                      Division 2 Brackets

Wildcards Released… Six Section 9 Wrestlers Selected!!!!

The wildcard selection process is complete and Section 9 did quite well.  Six S9 wrestlers were selected to compete in next week’s NYS Wrestling Championships held at the Times Union Center in Albany, NY.  One wrestler was also selected as an alternate.  Below is a list of all S9 selections and you can click on the below link to view all of the wrestlers who have qualified for the 2012 NYS Wrestling Championships.

Section 9 Wildcard Selections:

99:    Vinny Vespa               (MW)     A1
106:  Michael Raccioppi    (MV)      A4
145:  Bret Sauschuck          (PJ)        A2
182:  Anthony Sannella      (MV)     A3
195:  Pavel Gorelov             (War)     A1
285:  Seth Stauble               (King)    A2

285:  Terrence Cheeks        (NFA)   A6 (alternate)

                                                     2012 NYS Qualifiers by Weight

Sectional Results From Around The State

As I am able to get results from other state qualifying tournaments around the state, I will “link” them below.



Section 1 D1   D2            Section 7
Section 2 D1  D2            Section 8 D1  D2
Section 3 D1  D2            Section 9 D1  D2
Section 4 D1  D2            Section 10 D1 D2
Section 5 D1  D2            Section 11 D1  D2
Section 6 D1  D2            PSAL D1  D2